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SAS Law Enforcement Intelligence

Enhance law enforcement and public safety with a cloud-ready structured environment for collecting, managing and analyzing intelligence data.

Get to know SAS Law Enforcement Intelligence

Key features

A single, unified platform enables officers to efficiently and securely collect, manage and analyze information throughout the entire intelligence life cycle. As a multipurpose system that includes analytics and visualizations, the solution can be configured to meet the requirements of policing, public safety and security organizations within different regions and jurisdictions.

Built for law enforcement

Our comprehensive, innovative and collaborative software augments current policing technology. It simplifies investigative processes, use of intelligence and evidence management. Officers can record intelligence instantly, find out what they need to know faster, share information more effectively and maximize investigative opportunities.

Data insights for investigators

Gather crucial intelligence by making inferences across information siloes, bringing together various records that correspond to one real object. Pull information from a variety of sources to view coherent, filtered results for use in criminal network diagrams, briefings and tasking. Make optimal use of internal and external data sets to provide greater insight and risk evaluation.

Data preparation

Quickly prepare data for analytics using machine learning and AI suggestions – without coding, needing specialized skills or relying on IT.

Services & support

Configure SAS products to suit your needs with expert support and guidance throughout preparation, deployment and implementation to ensure continuity and quality.

Investigation & case management

SAS Visual Investigator (included) provides instant, effective intelligence analysis and investigation management via an interactive interface. It supports easy data entry and is highly customizable for action and update workflows.


A mobile version enables officers to explore data and gain immediate insights in the field, so they are more informed and aware when attending incidents. Officers can record reports and updates remotely without having to return to the office.

Visual reporting

Provides a single application for reporting, data exploration and analytics. Create customized dashboards, charts and graphs to visually represent operational concerns and trends. Management of resource workloads and choke points adds further operational value.

Text analytics

Vastly reduce inquiry times by using technology to find hidden evidence within text. Locate, highlight and extract key words and phrases. Create new investigative opportunities by uncovering insights in large volumes of text.

Recommended resources

Get white paper: Managing the Intelligence Life Cycle

White Paper

Managing the Intelligence Life Cycle

Read article: What do drones, AI and proactive policing have in common? Data.


What do drones, AI and proactive policing have in common? Data.

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