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Build and evaluate faster, more strategic enrollment plans using simulation

SAS Enrollment Simulation Highlight screenshot

SAS Clinical Enrollment Simulation

Approximately 90% of clinical trials fail to meet their enrollment timelines because the methods used to create the plans are based on assumptions and static projections. Now better enrollment planning is at your fingertips so you can meet your targets and timelines using powerful enrollment simulation.

Get to know SAS Clinical Enrollment Simulation

Key features

Simulations to support diversity targets

Analytic capabilities based on simulated trial output help you determine if scenarios will hit key diversity targets for study enrollment.

Accurate enrollment projections

Comprehensive simulations based on several key inputs determine the realistic chances of successful enrollment.

Scenario management

Conduct what-if analysis and cost tracking.

Supply chain projections

Additional capabilities support supply chain projections for estimated times of drug resupply.

Workforce management

Gain insights for planning monitoring visits.

Recommended resources

Doctor and patient looking at scans on tablet

Solution Brief

Clinical Trial Operations

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On-Demand Webinar

Why Clinical Trial Enrollment Simulation Is Critical to the Success of Your Trial

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The Health Pulse Podcast

The future of clinical trial recruitment is digital, and patients are the biggest winners