The Batting Cage
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To help kids gain the confidence they need to succeed, we built a literal plate for them to step up to with The Batting Lab.

Designed to combine their favorite team sport with our vast data experience, The Batting Lab was created for this exclusive group of kids to improve their understanding of data by improving their performance at bat.

player swinging bat
player meeting with coach
players watching action
player stepping up to bat
player swinging bat

How we analyzed their swings

We worked with NC State University’s softball and baseball teams to collect data on the key moments of an elite player’s swing. Then, used that data to help youth players improve their swings.

  • swing segment 1 - stance
  • Now that I’ve really seen data more and, like, analyzed it, I feel like I can really understand it better than I did at the beginning. Avery Age 11

    Avery participated in this experience for free.

    avery portrait
  • I never thought that data would be my coach. Luis Age 11

    Luis participated in this experience for free.

    luis portrait
  • It's great to see them understand and be enlightened about how data is actually all around them and can be incorporated outside of math class. Jared Dean SAS Data Scientist
    jared dean portrait
  • The key to making someone more confident in understanding data, all starts with value and appreciation for it. Lucy Kosturko SAS Education Initiatives Manager
    lucy kosturko portrait
  • …having the data to back it up is always the most important thing. So, they understand exactly why they're trying to do what we’re asking them to do. Chris Hart NC State University Associate Head Baseball Coach
    chris hart portrait

    Measuring Success

    After twelve sessions, Drew improved his stride, Maddie improved her follow through and Zoey, her attack. But, most importantly, almost all the kids improved their data confidence. See for yourself.

    At the start of the program, only
    3 out of
    the 10

    kids had extreme confidence
    they could accurately read
    charts and graphs.

    By end of the program,
    9 out of
    the 10
    kids had extreme confidence
    they could accurately read
    charts and graphs.

    85% of executives believe data literacy will become as vital in the future as the ability to use a computer is today.*

    However, today, 48% of kids don’t feel their education has given them the confidence and skills needed to step up to the plate.**

    * Source: “Data Literacy: The Upskilling Evolution”
    ** Source: “How to close the data literacy gap to power the future world of work”

    How we’re helping more kids understand data

    The Data Playbook

    Using the same data and methodology we used in The Batting Lab, the Data Playbook shows kids an approachable way to understand data by applying it to a sport they already know and love.

    Created specifically for parents and guardians, it’s a free educational tool that uses the same lessons taught in the cage. It’s just one more way SAS is furthering our goal of giving kids the tools and confidence they need to succeed both on and off the field.

    batting lab playbook interface

    Education outreach

    Curious about the other ways SAS is helping kids understand the power of data? Read about our education outreach programs. See how we’re helping the next generation of problem solvers feel confident in using data to understand the world around them.