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Develop AI responsibly, consistently and in a trustworthy way

Trustworthy AI From SAS

Ethically and responsibly unlock the potential of AI with a trusted, end-to-end approach across your AI life cycle​.

We built our cards for technical and nontechnical users, and ours are the most robust, understandable and easy-to-use model cards in the industry." Reggie Townsend Reggie Townsend Vice President, Data Ethics Practice SAS

Developing trustworthy AI with SAS

  • Chiesi logo

    SAS® Viya® helps an international biopharmaceutical group collaborate on data, streamline processes and deliver trial results to regulators faster

AI Governance Advisory

AI governance advisory offerings from SAS are designed to help you institute AI governance in your organization and reap the benefits.

Unlock business value

Increase productivity through trusted, distributed decision making.

Strengthen trust

Build trust through greater accountability in data usage.

Win & keep talent

Attract and retain top talent who prioritize responsible innovation practices.

Drive competitive advantage

Increase competitive advantage and market agility by taking a proactive approach to compliance.

Enhance brand value

Strengthen your brand's value by addressing the potential societal and environmental impacts of AI.

Get to know trustworthy AI from SAS

Recommended resources on trustworthy AI

Group of young people working in office

Responsible Innovation

SAS is committed to working with customers, partners and academia to increase the awareness of, and need for, AI that is ethical, equitable and sustainable.

A Comprehensive Approach to Trustworthy AI Governance e-book


A Comprehensive Approach to Trustworthy AI Governance

View webinar


Trustworthy AI Using SAS: A Technical Discussion

Read blog posts


Data Ethics Stories

Illustration representing the development of trustworthy AI

Solution Brief

Taking a trustworthy approach to the AI and analytics life cycle with SAS Viya