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SAS® Academy for Clinical Programming

Launch a career in the pharmaceutical industry.
Become a SAS® Certified Clinical Trials Programmer.

This training program from SAS prepares you to work as a SAS® Certified Clinical Trials Programmer. The combination of coursework and hands-on learning helps you build a foundation of clinical research theory and data analysis skills – which can open doors to new opportunities.

What's Included

Comprehensive Training

Gain experience with data manipulation and generation of tables and graphs in relation to the clinical research industry.

Clinical Research Theory

Participate in a group study of clinical research theory and clinical data analysis, and complete a project.

Hands-On Learning

Learn in a traditional classroom setting with an expert instructor for an intensive, practical learning experience.

Globally Recognized Credentials

Earn your Base SAS Programmer and Clinical Trials Programmer credentials and be recognized across all industries and geographic locations.

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Compare Tracks

CoursesSAS Clinical Programming Fundamentals 
Applied Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting
SAS Certified Clinical Trials Programmer
SAS Programming 1: Essentials
SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques
SAS Macro Language 1: Essentials
SAS SQL 1: Essentials
Introduction to Clinical Trial and CRO Industry
Hands-On Training on Study Documents
Hands-On Training on CDISC standards
Deep Dive Into AdaM
SDTM Programming
AdaM Programming 
SAS Report Writing 1: Essentials
SAS/GRAPH®: Essentials
Hands-On Training on Creating Clinical Trial Reports
Hands-On Training on Creating Clinical Trial Graphs
Hands-On Training on Define.xml and Reviewer’s Guide 
Evaluations Through Assessments 
Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression and Logistic Regression  
 Get SAS Clinical Programming FundamentalsGet Applied Clinical Data Analysis and ReportingGet SAS Certified Clinical Trials Programmer


  • Kamakshi Hans

    Kamakshi Hans

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