A fast, comprehensive way to manage data

TATA Motors Finance uses the power of advanced analytics to align internal processes and increase customer satisfaction.

Tata Motors Finance Ltd (TMFL) is a subsidiary company of Tata Motors Ltd.  Established in 1957, TMFL has over five decades of expertise in vehicle financing.  TMFL has been engaged in financing the entire range of Passenger Cars & Commercial Vehicles manufactured by Tata Motors Ltd.

With a core purpose to reach out & help customers realize the dream of owning a TATA vehicle easily, TMFL is trusted by more than 2 million customers and is the largest financier of vehicles manufactured by Tata Motors Ltd. An enormous amount of information is generated as the firm strives to design schemes for different customer requirements with flexible repayment options, hassle-free eligibility criteria, simple documentation and fast sanctioning.

In order to sort, process, analyze, circulate and act on such humongous volumes of data without compromising
on data security and flexibility, TMFL uses comprehensive solutions from SAS. SAS solutions for TMFL are designed to capture customer information to facilitate better information management, simplify day-to-day operations, increase performance efficiency and provide a better user interface to the customers.

Within just 18 months of implementation, the returns are as high as 3-4 times the investments made on procuring and maintaining the SAS tools.

Vinod G
Head – Retail Risk & Business Intelligence Unit

Integrating data from multiple sources

Information flowed in from multiple sources in a haphazard manner, thus making the information so received cumbersome to be worked upon. Using the Enterprise Guide and Visual Analytics tools from SAS, fifteen reports & dashboards were developed for departments such as Sales, Collections, Credit & Risk Containment Unit for various reporting levels. All of this was done without the support of any external agency or consultant and without prior training and additional costs. TMFL now plans to eliminate to the maximum extent possible, usage of worksheets for the purpose of disseminating MIS reports.  TMFL, with the help of SAS solutions, now aspires to circulate automated reports companywide by 2018.

Dramatic decrease in time required to process and analyze data

Most of the processes, especially the Daily Tracker reports on achievement of KPIs, had to be manually downloaded, processed in Excel and further distributed manually . This involved intense manual intervention and the right information could not reach the right people at the right time. Further, any change in critical information failed to get updated in real time.  Users were more dependent on people rather than the system itself. With SAS in the picture, the overall turnaround time has improved greatly. Reports and analysis namely Daily Tracker Reports, Monthly Portfolio performance reports, Balance Scorecards that previously required 2 – 3 months for development, are now prepared within just 2 to 3 weeks.

Optimum utilization of manpower, time and other resources

Initially a lot of manpower, time and money were utilized in generating, processing and analyzing information. With automated reports generated within just minutes, SAS eliminated dependency on man power with specialized skills. Additionally, the in-house report development and generation saved a considerable amount of time and cost.

Enhanced intelligence, clarity and application integrity

Overall project efficiencies and acceptability of reports have improved greatly with the help of pre-programmed processes, codes and connect functions.

A single and secure point of access for internal management and control  

With the help of SAS Management Console, the entire user management is controlled by BIU department without any dependency on IT department. Now, TMFL provides field level secure access without any reluctance to its employees - right from the field Sales people to the Senior Management.

Providing insights gleaned from SAS® Analytics to mobile devices

Employees in TMFL are now in a position to make fact-based decisions regardless of their location or time, based on reports that are interactive, thus achieving more than 75% user-satisfaction level. All of the reports are interactive, using iPad and Android actions such as pinching, zooming, swiping, content grouping and one-touch navigation to drill into the data.

“Recognizing and overcoming the common pitfalls associated with data is no more a challenge for TMFL. The company is now in a position to think and act much faster and at the same time, there are no compromises at the level of business risks. Our team now has a clear understanding of market requirements, behavior and movements of customers.” says Mr. Vinod G, Head - Retail Risk & Business Intelligence, Tata Motors Finance

Tata Motor Finance


  • Eliminate circulating multiple and repetitive information and cutting down on manpower and other resources required for preparing and circulating such information.
  • Align different departments to arrive at a common interpretation of important business information and to provide easy and secure access to the same
  • Bringing in automation to do away with manual errors


SAS® Visual Analytics
SAS Enterprise Guide


  • Integrating data from multiple sources.
  • Dramatic decrease in time required to process and analyze data.
  • Optimum utilization of manpower, time and other resources.
  • Enhanced intelligence, clarity and application integrity.
  • A single and secure point of access for internal management and control.
  • Providing insights gleaned from SAS® Analytics to mobile devices.
The results illustrated in this article are specific to the particular situations, business models, data input, and computing environments described herein. Each SAS customer’s experience is unique based on business and technical variables and all statements must be considered non-typical. Actual savings, results, and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions. SAS does not guarantee or represent that every customer will achieve similar results. The only warranties for SAS products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements in the written agreement for such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Customers have shared their successes with SAS as part of an agreed-upon contractual exchange or project success summarization following a successful implementation of SAS software. Brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.