SAS UX product designers Cary HQ

SAS Product Design

Crafting meaningful experiences

What we do

Data can be beautiful.

When we see data, we see the potential to tell a story by transforming business data into a visually compelling, interactive medium. We craft meaningful connections between users and technology, shaping seamless experiences that empower, engage and simplify complex analytics.

  • NC State College of Design students

    Innovative SAS Solutions for our Daily Lives

    NC State College of Design students participated in a collaborative design project with SAS for the 11th year in a row. This year, students were tasked with creating analytical apps using SAS’ newly released SAS® App Factory product. Five student teams showcased their design process and solutions to the department, followed by an interactive Q&A session.

  • Model card

    Trustworthy AI — more than a buzzword

    SAS is launching new trustworthy AI products and services aimed at improving AI governance, trust, reliability, and transparency. Our team of designers has created model cards, or "nutrition labels" for AI systems, which provide an at-a-glance view of model performance, reliability, and trustworthiness. The group has also published the Trustworthy AI Life Cycle Workflow which gives users step-by-step guidance for creating, optimizing, and monitoring AI systems.

  • Accessibility Thinking as a Usability Lever

    For many of us, we use technology to communicate everyday, whether it be to share, persuade, or simply to engage with others. In this article, Thor Einarsson, a Principal UX designer at SAS, shares accessibility thinking tips to help others improve the usability of their content.

  •  Inside the UX Internship Experience at SAS

    Throughout the year, we are grateful to have UX interns join our department. Read Rachel Han Rodney and Abby Egnatz's article to learn about them and their experience as UX Interns at SAS.

    Flowing brand shape

    Beautiful Reports

    Our best practices website, Beautiful Reports, offers tips on how to create a report that’s visually appealing and easy to understand.

    Brand shapes of circles and half circles

    SAS Product Design on Medium

    Our product designers discuss designing analytical software for the enterprise – and the challenges, feelings and opportunities that go along with it.

    UX design art

    What does UX design mean to me?

    Watch this short clip to learn how SAS UX designers Jacquie Goyena and Macklin Frazier share their passion for inspiring beauty in software design and usability.

    How we work

    Turning analytics into insights.

    Our team has to understand the purpose of SAS technology and the expectations of users so that we can create purposeful experiences with intention.

    Focus on the user

    We have a dedicated user research program and a full usability lab that allows us to engage with our customers and helps us understand their goals, anticipate their future needs and lead design for analytics.

    Collaboration is key

    Not just with SAS developers – we also work closely with our sales team and users. We’re constantly listening to customer and user feedback to fuel innovation.

    Lead with design

    Creating compelling visuals and interactions for complex technologies is our primary goal: We’re always thinking about the best ways data can be communicated to users.

    Consistent and intuitive experiences

    Along with SAS solutions, we also build the supporting design foundation for our products. The Filament Design System enables our designers to build modern, high-quality, intuitive experiences for SAS customers.

    Who we are

    We are the architects of intuitive experiences.

    At the heart of SAS technology lies a commitment to design. We stay ahead of customers' needs with applied user research, making complex concepts easy to understand.

    Skills in technology

    We understand that design enhances our everyday and future technologies. Our designers are interested in contemporary innovations and complex technological concepts. We design for SAS data solutions, including SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Visual Statistics.

    Diverse backgrounds

    We take SAS' diversity pledge seriously and strive for it in our teams. Our design department is a blend of cultures, backgrounds and perspectives, bringing a variety of skills both inside and outside of traditional design – including fields such as computer science, information and library science, and psychology.

    Patents and awards

    Our work has been recognized with multiple Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge awards. We've also authored several patents, and our designs have been showcased in industry conferences and contests, such as Information is Beautiful.

    Product designers at SAS

    We are the champions of user-centric design, charting courses toward intuitive interactions.

    User Experience Designer

    Our UX designers are involved in all stages of the design process and influence the layout and behavior of the user interface. They also provide usability design recommendations and support to software development teams.

    Visual Designer

    SAS visual designers are responsible for the aesthetics and style of our products. They use color, shapes, typography and form to enhance usability and improve the user experience of web and mobile-based SAS products. Some of our visual designers are data visualization specialists.

    User Researcher

    User researchers conduct qualitative and quantitative research and engagements with SAS users or customers. They are responsible for identifying user trends, influencing business designs with insights, and testing the success of new features or SAS products.

    Accessibility Specialist

    Our accessibility specialists ensure that the quality of SAS products and features are inclusive, usable by all our users, and comply with SAS' accessibility standards. Many of our customers are required to conform with anti-discrimination and accessibility laws.