SAS joins fight against cybercrime as NCRCG National Ambassador

AI and analytics leader commits to embedding cyber resilience across UK economy.

As an NCRCG National Ambassador, SAS brings expertise in data, analytics and AI to inform and shape the continued success and evolution of NCRCG.

This week, the National Cyber Resilience Centre Group (NCRCG) – a strategic collaboration between the Home Office, policing, academic and National Ambassador partners – has welcomed AI and analytics leader, SAS, on board as a National Ambassador.

In taking up this role, SAS joins an impressive cohort of National Ambassador partners including Aviva, CGI, Chainalysis, KPMG, Mastercard, Microsoft, NatWest Group, SANS Institute and The Very Group.

Together, the companies are working closely with the UK government and policing to strengthen the cyber resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including those in their supply chains and customer base.

Caroline Barnett, Principal Industry Consultant (Intelligence, Defence and Law Enforcement) at SAS UK, said:

“The relentless pace of technological innovation and the rapid adoption of emerging technologies, such as AI, offers significant additional capabilities for cyber defenders but it also presents risk. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has just published its assessment of the impact and implications of AI on the cyber threat, and it is likely that AI will increase the volume and impact of cyber-attacks as tactics evolve to become more effective, harder to detect and more accessible to a greater number of malicious (both criminal and state) actors. 

“Whilst this may paint a gloomy picture, there is much happening across industry, academia and government to strengthen the resilience of the UK’s digital economy. The UK Government has just initiated a consultation on a Cyber Governance Code of Practice intended to support directors to drive greater cyber resilience across their businesses. NCRCG represents a critical part of this wider collaborative approach to educate, support and improve cyber resilience across the UK’s small and medium-sized business community.”

Detective Superintendent Ian Kirby, CEO at NCRCG said:

“Our National Ambassador programme is key to ensuring we can support our nation’s SMEs in strengthening their cyber resilience. Not only do our National Ambassadors provide us with significant insights into their experience and management of cyber threats but they are a conduit through which we – and our network of regional Cyber Resilience Centres – can benefit thousands more SMEs.

“I am delighted to welcome SAS on board who bring with them a wealth of expertise in the fields of analytics, AI and data management. I am confident that, with their support, we can continue to move ahead with our work at pace and make sure we really are building a cyber resilient economy.”


Established in 2021, the National Cyber Resilience Centre Group (NCRCG) is a strategic collaboration between the Home Office, policing, National Ambassador partners and academia to strengthen cyber resilience across the nation’s small and medium-sized enterprise community.

Key to NCRCG’s reach are nine cyber resilience centres which operate across England and Wales to provide affordable, high-quality cyber resilience services to local organisations. These services are delivered by NCRCG’s Cyber PATH student team, under the supervision of cyber security practitioners.

NCRCG’s National Ambassador programme is a platform through which the nation’s large organisations can work with us to lead the charge against cyber crime.

You can read more about the National Ambassador programme here.

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