HR Analytics

The power to optimise
your workforce is within reach

For even the most forward-thinking HR leaders in the public sector, responding to macro level issues is a constant balancing act. The right mix of people, skills, and experience are what is needed to succeed. HR leaders must stand front and centre. Having the right tools at hand is crucial.

Workforce optimisation doesn’t have to be an unachievable dream. SAS Workforce Analytics empowers data-driven, proactive activity that will propel the business of government forward.

People, Skills and Government transformation

Why workforce analytics will make change agents of HR leaders

The pace of change within UK government organisations is fierce. Brexit, environmental sustainability, swings in political administration, as well as responding to many other macro level issues is a constant balancing act. Digitalisation of services is also high on the agenda given citizens expectations of digital experiences are on the rise. Meeting all these demands requires an ever more complex mix of people, skills and experience that will change ever more rapidly.

Fit for the future

Ahead lies opportunities to help government departments create the perfect blend of skills and experience that will more effectively support the business of governing the nation, however the political landscape shifts. 

Solution Sheet

Achieve your workforce goals using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

By 2024, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the labor force will grow to about 164 million people. That number includes about 41 million people (25%) who will be eligible to retire. Most of those eligible to retire are in senior-level positions and will take years of institutional and corporate knowledge with them, making their loss particularly devastating.

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