Intelligent Decisions in Government

Know your decisions will drive operational efficiency, support fairness, and improve citizen outcomes.

Transformational decision? - Intelligent Decisioning in Government

About this eBook:

The UK Government makes millions of vital decisions each day.  As the sheer volume, complexity and velocity of decisions rises across Government in today’s challenging environment, all departments must seek more effective and efficient means to improve the throughput, the accuracy, fairness and speed of those decisions. 

Government must augment human decision-making and help to build trust in automated decisions while assuring each department enjoys optimal outcomes.  One that uses data and analytics to drive fast, accurate decision-making.

This paper will show how the government can incorporate AI-driven decisioning into existing business processes.  This will help them overcome the barriers to digital transformation (certain inefficient manual process, time-to-insight and inability to act fast) to innovate service delivery, drive efficiency and help build a better Britain for the future.  

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SAS is a global leader in data and AI. With SAS software and industry-specific solutions, organizations transform data into trusted decisions. SAS gives you THE POWER TO KNOW®.