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Live Web System Requirements

When you're ready to take an in-depth course from SAS, check out what you'll need to get up and running. We'll help you understand the technical requirements as well as what to expect as a student.

Technical Requirements

For Audio

  • We recommend using VoIP for best performance with Zoom Live Web meetings. Computer speakers, USB headset with microphone, or headphones. Microphone is optional but encouraged for speaking with instructor. A text chat service is provided.
  • If computer audio is not an option, you may use a phone line to dial into the audio conference (Zoom provides local and international numbers; these are not toll free).
  • Note: We do not recommend using cell phones to join the audio conference. Telephone calls count against your available minutes with most providers. Please contact your provider for details on your specific plan. SAS is not responsible for overages or other costs incurred related to cell phone use.

For Web

  • Minimum bandwidth DSL/cable at least 5Mbps connection (wired connection recommended)
  • OS: Windows 10/8, Mac OS X 10.13 – macOS 10.15+
  • Browser: Only Chrome browser will be fully featured to use with Zoom. Any other browser will not provide audio, so you would need to use a phone connection to get the audio if you do not use Chrome browser.

For Virtual Lab

In order to connect to the virtual lab, you will need to have the following enabled to use the Citrix HTML5 client:

  • The gateway server will need to be allowed access through your firewalls/proxies:,
  • These ports need to be enabled for the previously mentioned gateways: 80, 443
  • The receiver uses port 443 (SSL) to establish the connection from the client to the gateways, listed above.

Test Your System

Please complete the test(s) below to ensure that your computer can access the Live Web class.

What Students Can Expect

  • You will receive an Instructions e-mail on how to test and join your class 3 business days in advance.
  • You will receive an email with instructions for how to access your course materials at
  • Plan to join your class at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.
  • Understand how to participate in the class.
  • For Live Web technical support, call 919-531-9338 (local), 800-727-0025 (toll free) or e-mail us.
  • Cancellation policy