NET2GRID and SAS collaborate to elevate utility customer intelligence and DER grid planning

NET2GRID, an EnergyAI software as a service (SaaS) company and SAS, a leader in data and AI, are announcing their partnership aimed at elevating customer intelligence and within the energy retail and utility sector. The collaboration will enhance the SAS Customer Intelligence 360 platform with NET2GRID EnergyAI for personalised marketing actions, optimised customer experiences and insightful (DER) intelligence.

This powerful fusion equips energy companies with SAS built-in marketing tools and NET2GRID’s accurate and highly personalised energy insights and household profiles. This partnership will help address the evolving needs of the industry’s digital transformation, from personalised marketing actions to optimisation.

Roderick Crawford, Senior Vice President for SAS Northern Europe, commented: “We’re delighted to be working alongside NET2GRID in helping energy and utility companies to drive business improvements through access to powerful analytics and AI. Not only will the partnership deliver better experiences for consumers, but it will help companies make better decisions when it comes to forecasting fluctuations in demand and optimising grid management.”

Bert Lutje Berenbroek, CEO of NET2GRID, said: “We are excited to be collaborating with SAS. By integrating our NET2GRID EnergyAI product into the SAS Customer Intelligence 360 and energy forecasting solutions, we're poised to revolutionise customer engagement, personalised marketing, and energy management for energy retailers and DSOs [distribution systems operations] worldwide. This partnership exemplifies our commitment to innovation and delivering unparalleled value to our customers together with expert partners like SAS.”

One of the defining features of this partnership is its ability to provide energy companies with detailed information about residential electric vehicles, photovoltaic systems and batteries in their customer bases. This empowers utilities to take proactive marketing actions and enhances grid capabilities by offering demand response and forecast estimates leveraging the SAS forecasting tool and NET2GRID's DER ntelligence insights.

Furthermore, the combination of solutions facilitates the entire utility data journey, from low-resolution smart meter data (AMI) to high-resolution real-time data. Both companies are operating in the AWS cloud environment, ensuring seamless connectivity and agility in deploying their technologies.

NET2GRID and SAS boast a strong presence in northern Europe and the Nordic states, catering to some of the largest energy companies such as EDF Luminus and E.ON Germany. As part of their individual operations, both companies have established themselves as trusted partners in delivering innovative solutions to the energy industry. 



NET2GRID is an EnergyAI company that empowers its customers to become energy transition leaders by transforming energy data into highly accurate insights. NET2GRID's SaaS engine, EnergyAI, delivers detailed household energy profiles, fueling the energy industry's digital transformation. NET2GRID’s clients include E.ON, EDP, EDF, ENI, Rabobank, DTE and Maxeon.

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