Mother and daughter smiling at tablet in doctors office

Generate life-saving insights from real-world evidence solutions on the most productive data and AI platform

Real-world evidence solutions

SAS helps customers maximize value from real-world data throughout the product life cycle.

Uncover life-saving insights and value with real-world evidence solutions from SAS

SAS supports real-world evidence at every stage of the product life cycle – from finding new areas for discovery to developing drugs and therapies more efficiently to better understanding product and drug safety, effectiveness, adherence, and economic and societal value.

Scientist taking notes and working on laptop in lab

End-to-end solution

SAS helps customers automate the mundane and eliminate redundancy across the data and AI life cycle.

Medical professionals sitting on bench having conversation looking at tablet

Open analytics environment

The SAS platform supports easy access to complex data sets without extensive programming skills. The open environment enables integration with open source. 

Scientist working in pharmaceutical lab

Robust platform for AI and advanced analytics

Utilize generative AI to improve and expedite the analysis of data. Bolster real-world data with the addition and use of synthetic data. 

Two scientists in lab smiling looking at laptop

Multimodal data management

SAS provides a one-stop shop to support data governance, lineage and management throughout the enterprise, including complex multimodal data sets to support observational studies. 

Scientist using tablet in lab

Real-world data integration in clinical research

SAS supports the use of real-world data to improve the speed and efficiency of clinical research, including trial feasibility and external control arms.

How SAS delivers award-winning real-world evidence solutions

  • Pediatrician using stethoscope on young boy

    Organon uses SAS to advance health economic and outcomes research to address unmet patient needs.

SAS Viya animation

SAS Viya: The data and AI platform for life sciences

Deliver better, safer therapies to patients faster with a data and AI platform that accelerates innovation, empowers decision making in a complex health ecosystem, and provides reliable insights in a highly regulated environment.

Recommended resources for real-world evidence solutions

Two women smiling and talking to each other

White paper

Decentralized clinical trials: From evolution to revolution

Analytics in 20 on blue gradient background


From Idea to Action: The Keys to Real-World Evidence and Analytics

Medical professionals walking down hallway of hospital talking

Solution brief

Real-World Evidence

Featured Products

SAS products to support real-world evidence

SAS Health

SAS Health is an end-to-end enterprise solution for data integration, data management, automation and analytics. 

  • Easily ingest data that follows industry-standard formats.
  • Establish secure access to various systems, data sources and applications.
  • Use AI/ML predictions to enhance your descriptive analytics and gain insights for better decision making.
  • Easily integrate teams and technology across the analytics life cycle.

SAS Data Maker

SAS Data Maker is a seamless synthetic data generator, ideal for life sciences organizations looking to bolster or fill gaps in real-world data.

  • Generate synthetic data that mirrors real-world data and better protects sensitive information.
  • Evaluate data quality with fully automated visual statistical evaluation metrics to audit the quality and privacy of generated data.
  • Get trusted algorithms for data augmentation and data generation in one powerful tool to drive model performance and smarter insights.