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Trish Dowty

Executive Vice President and Chief Corporate Services Officer

Trish Dowty is responsible for the operations, management and maintenance of SAS’ diverse real estate portfolio and many innovative support functions throughout 59 countries. This includes accountable sourcing of goods and services, as well as corporate business travel.

SAS properties that she oversees include historic castles as well as modern landmarks and the over 900-acre headquarters campus in Cary, NC. In her role, Dowty is focused on providing world-class environments that welcome customers, showcase the SAS brand and help make SAS a great place to work.

SAS Corporate Services is truly unique in that it offers numerous in-house services from landscape and interior designers, facilities technicians and chefs, among others. Dowty is responsible for aligning business requirements with effective real estate strategies while keeping an eye on the details that accurately reflect the company’s image to customers and employees.

Dowty develops and oversees corporate programs for continuity of business, environmental sustainability and supplier diversity. Under her leadership, SAS has developed operational controls to improve organizational resilience, adopted green building practices to minimize environmental impact, and placed a priority on partnering with local suppliers to make business opportunities available to small and minority-owned businesses. SAS leads the industry with these programs and continues to garner recognition for them. Most recently, Conservatives for Clean Energy presented SAS an Outstanding Leadership award for supporting a clean energy economy, including several solar field installations, numerous LEED® certified projects and smart campus initiatives.

During her more than 30 years at SAS, Dowty has continued to adapt corporate services functions to align with the growing needs of the business. Before joining SAS, she worked in property management, high-tech procurement and logistics management. She holds degrees in interior design and psychology, and has earned her Lifetime Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM) certification from the Institute of Supply Management. She currently serves on the board of directors for The Umstead Hotel and Spa in Cary. Previously she held advisory positions with the Cary Chamber of Commerce and the Regional Transportation Alliance.

Trish Dowty