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SAS Credential
Data Curation for SAS Data Scientists

A00-223: Data Curation for SAS Data Scientists will retire on June 30, 2025.
All certifications earned before this date will not expire and will remain valid after the exam is retired.

SAS Certified Professional:
Data Curation for SAS Data Scientists

Show you have the skills the market is looking for, whether you want to expand your career potential or stand out in a competitive field.

With this certification, you’ll prove you’ve mastered these skills:

  • Take data from disparate sources and discover, transform, manage, aggregate, catalog and deliver that data to be used in reports and analytics repositories.

  • Query and manage Hadoop data using SAS and native Hadoop tools.

  • Virtualize, govern and transform streaming data.

Why should you get SAS certified? Hear about the benefits of earning a credential.

Exam Content

The exam will test your abilities in:

  • 20% - Working with SAS Data Integration Studio.
  • 20% - Ensure the accuracy of data.
  • 40% - Techniques for working with big data.
  • 20% - Special data management topics.

The exam will test your abilities in:

20% Working with SAS Data Integration Studio; 20% Ensure the accuracy of data; 40% Techniques for Working with Big Data; 20% Special Data Management Topics;

Download our exam content guide for a detailed breakdown of each section to ensure you are thoroughly prepared.

Exam Details

  • 65-72 multiple-choice, short answer, and interactive questions. Interactive questions simulate the SAS environment and ask you to complete a task. Please see our FAQ for more information.

  • Must achieve a score of 67% correct to pass.

  • 110 minutes to complete exam.

  • Successful candidates should have taken the recommended training or have equivalent experience. 

  • Successful candidates should have 2-3 months of hands-on experience using SAS Data Management Tools and applications and third-party data tools (Hadoop, HIVE/HIVEQS, PIG/PIGLATIN).

Data Curation for SAS Data Scientists

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