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SAS Credential
AI & Machine Learning Professional

SAS Certified Professional:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Show you have the skills the market is looking for, whether you want to expand your career potential or stand out in a competitive field. Validate your AI and analytics talent using open source and SAS tools to gain insight from data.

With this certification, you’ll prove you’ve mastered these skills:

  • Machine learning.

  • Natural language processing and computer vision.

  • Model forecasting and optimization.

Curious about why you should get certified? Watch the video to learn more.

How to Combine Credentials

Candidates will be awarded the SAS Certified Professional: AI and Machine Learning credential once they have earned the SAS Certified Specialist: Machine Learning credential, the SAS Certified Specialist: Forecasting and Optimization credential and the SAS Certified Specialist: Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision credential.

Note: The AI & Machine Learning Professional credential expires five years from the date the certification is earned. The underlying credentials may expire at different times, but that will not cause the AIMLP to expire prior to the five-year date.

Pricing and Discounts

Student sitting on steps smiling and working on laptop

Are you a student or educator?

Being a student, educator or independent learner means you get academic discounts on SAS certification exams, e-learning and more. So now you can crack the books – without breaking the bank.