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SAS Credential
Platform Administrator

SAS Certified
Platform Administrator for SAS®9

Show you have the skills the market is looking for, whether you want to expand your career potential or stand out in a competitive field. This exam is designed for those who have the skills and knowledge necessary for the administration of the platform for SAS Business Analytics.

With this certification, you’ll prove you’ve mastered these skills:

  • Secure the SAS configuration on each server machine.
  • Check status and operate servers.
  • Monitor server activity and administer logging.
  • Establish formal, regularly scheduled backup processes.
  • Add users and manage their access.
  • Establish connectivity to data sources.
  • Set up and secure metadata folder structures.
  • Administer repositories and move metadata.
  • Understand the interaction between SAS servers and operating systems.

Curious about why you should get certified? Watch the video to learn more.

Exam Content

The exam will test your abilities in:

  • 15% - Managing the SAS Environment.
  • 15% - Monitoring, Logging and Troubleshooting SAS Servers.
  • 8% - Backing Up the SAS Environment.
  • 22% - Administering Users.
  • 20% - Administering Data Access.
  • 20% - Managing Metadata Authorization.

The exam will test your abilities in:

15% - Managing the SAS Environment. 15% - Monitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting SAS Servers. 8% - Backing Up the SAS Environment. 22% - Administering Users. 20% - Administering Data Access. 20% - Managing Metadata Authorization.

Download our exam content guide for a detailed breakdown of each section to ensure you are thoroughly prepared.

Exam Details

  • This exam is administered by SAS and Pearson VUE.

  • 65 multiple-choice questions (must achieve score of 66 percent correct to pass).

  • 110 minutes to complete exam.

  • This exam is based on the functionality available in SAS® 9.4 Maintenance 8.

SAS Platform Administration for SAS®9

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Pricing and Discounts

Exam fee in the U.S.
and most other countries

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Are you looking to become a SAS Certified Professional?

Our upcoming SAS Certification day will offer the perfect opportunity to help you prepare and take the exam.