Virtual Health User Group

There are so many SAS users across Canada doing great work in Health Care. The Virtual Health User Group (VHUG) aims to showcase what is being done in this industry, from coast to coast. All the while, connecting you with other brilliant minds. Now, more than ever, we aim to bring the health care communities together and encourage discussions to learn from one another.  Join us to experience the art of the possible.

SAS User Groups provide an excellent opportunity to meet other SAS users, share knowledge and experience, and learn more about SAS solutions from colleagues, peers and SAS professionals. Whether you're a seasoned SAS software user with experiences to share or a newcomer who'd like to interact with other users, a user group is an excellent way to help you get the most value from your SAS technology. User groups offer a unique opportunity to:

  • Get an immediate return on your time investment. You can apply the techniques and skills you've learned as soon as you return to work.
  • Learn what's worked from other users and SAS professionals dealing with similar challenges
  • Get to know other SAS users and tap into local SAS resources

We look forward to seeing you at our future meetings.


Upcoming Meeting


Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST

Meet the Executive Team

Colleen McGahan
Biostatistical Lead
BC Cancer

Xue Yao
Primary Health Statistical Analyst

Doug Dover
Senior Statistician
Canadian VIGOUR Centre, University of Alberta

Walie Aktary
Lead, Health System Analytics

Yuriy Chechulin
Senior Statistician

William Montelpare
Professor; Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health


Alice Yuan | Customer Programs Manager |

Lorne Rothman | Principal Solutions Specialist - Data Sciences |