User Groups

Greater Toronto Area and Ottawa

What Are User Groups?

User Groups are meetings where you can learn from your peers and SAS experts.
Meet other SAS users, share knowledge and experience, and learn more about SAS solutions from colleagues, peers and SAS professionals. Whether you're a seasoned SAS software user with experiences to share or a newcomer who'd like to interact with other users, a user group is an excellent way to help you get the most value from your SAS technology.
Through presentations, demos, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions, SAS User Groups provide an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge.

Meeting Locations


  • Toronto Data Sciences Forum
    • Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - CANCELLED
  • Toronto Area SAS Society (TASS)
  • Health User Group        
    • Thursday, April 16, 2020 - CANCELLED


  • Golden Horseshoe User Group
    • Friday, May 29, 2020 - CANCELLED


  • Ottawa Area SAS Users Society (OASUS)
    • Thursday, June 4, 2020 - CANCELLED
  • Ottawa Platforum Users Society (OPUS) 

Lunch Webinar Series

The Lunch Webinar Series was created in partnership with the Buffalo SAS User Group to allow Ontario users to broaden their:

  • Network - connect with users in Buffalo
  • Access to knowledge - through this collaborative relationship, you will hear presentations given by Buffalo users

Connect and Get Involved

  • Interested in giving a presentation?
  • Volunteering with the Executive Committee?
  • Learning more about the User Groups?
Please contact Alice Yuan