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SAS Viya Workbench for Learners

This free, on-demand compute environment empowers students and educators to build programming skills, develop AI and machine learning models, and complete projects quickly. With support for both SAS and Python, it offers the flexibility you need for academic success. For academic, noncommercial use only.

Why choose Viya Workbench for Learners?

Getting started with SAS Viya Workbench for Learners

  • The functionality of VS Code and JupyterLab/Notebook worked great. Very cool how the folder will carry over to any environment you open it in, and you can edit Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code and vice versa. Builds and computing were very quick! I like how in VS Code there is a menu page specifically for SAS libraries. I was able to do the sample API call in SAS code. The results look exactly how they would in SAS Studio." Anna M. Student University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Modern Data Science With SAS Viya Workbench for Learners

Supercharge learning. Code with flexibility

Learn how students can improve their coding skills, while educators can equip students with cross-language proficiency valued in today’s diverse tech workplaces.


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