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SAS Anti-Money Laundering Features List

Data management

  • A financial-services-specific data model:
    • Maps transaction records to support transaction, account, customer and household dimensions.
    • Includes the core schema for preparing data for nightly batch analysis.
  • A knowledge center data schema supports data retention and investigation.
  • Support for multiple data types (nonmonetary event data, geographic data, risk lists, third-party data, associate data, and a variety of customer information data) in addition to transaction data.

Data orchestration

  • Centralizes enrichment and transformation of multiple data types to get it analytic-ready.

Runs on SAS Viya

  • Cloud-native and open analytics engine.
  • Cohesive environment for all analytical tasks from data access, preparation, interactive exploration, optimization, machine learning, AI, and other advanced model development to deployment activities.

Suspicious activity monitoring & reporting

  • Combination of proven rules with advanced analytic techniques including machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence
  • Peer-group anomaly detection
  • Create cases from alerts and file regulatory reports to government authorities
  • An easy-to-use, point-and-click interface that enables:
    • Creation and modification of scenarios and risk factors.
    • Creation of customized routing rules for workload distribution.

Alert management & triage

  • Aggregation of alerts at the entity level that provide a holistic review of the risk presented by the entity to the institution.
  • Auto-prioritization of alerts.
  • Disposition options and management overview.
  • Workflow builder.

Entity analytics & network exploration

  • Entity resolution and network generation.
  • Network analytics and visualization.
  • Transaction network visualization
  • Network link expansion.
  • Network node decorator and enrichment.

Search & discovery

  • Free-text search.
  • Form search and query builder.
  • Filters and facets.
  • Geospatial search, exploration and visualization.
  • Advanced search and query builder.
  • Synonym and phonetic search.