Valued Based Health Care

How analytics can drive better patient
outcomes and increased quality of care


Wednesday, September 11th | Victoria, BC

Presented in Partnership with:

As population demographics change and chronic conditions increase, the health care system in Canada is becoming overburdened. This increased need along with a push towards value-based patient-centric care has led to a unique inflection point for the industry.

As a result, Health care organizations across Canada are focused on improving patient outcomes while:

  • understanding how to leverage new digital technologies and analytics
  • improving quality of care to help bend the cost curve and manage the soaring cost of health care
  • improving patient experience and access to the health services


To achieve the outlined goals, organizations now recognize the need to look at their patient population more holistically and are beginning to use complex data sets and predictive analytics to ensure better outcomes. Additionally, acknowledging the value of collaboration across the entire value chain, stakeholders are looking to work together and find new ways to take the data located in departmental silos and transform it into actionable insights.

Join us on Wednesday, September 11th at the Fairmont Empress in Victoria BC for an invitation-only Breakfast event to hear about real world AI & Analytics applications in health care that are breaking ground, delivering transformative value and providing the analytical business-smart approach that fuels it.

Hear from the expert panel on topics such as:

  • How health care organizations can leverage advanced analytics to make better, more informed decisions
  • How AI and Machine learning can augment the analysis being currently done
  • What is involved in building a data driven culture that supports cross-collaboration
  • How can analytics help provide ‘real-world’ evidence to drive policy decisions and provide measurable ROI
  • What are the key challenges and misconceptions in adoption of analytics and AI within Health care

Keynote Speakers

Larry Svenson
Provincial Health Analytics Officer & Executive Director, Alberta Health

Larry Svenson is the Provincial Health Analytics Officer and Executive Director for Analytics and Performance Reporting at Alberta Health. He is responsible for working with internal and external stakeholders to strengthen the analytic capacity of Alberta’s health sector, and the promotion of a data driven culture. Larry is also an Associate Professor with the Division of Preventive Medicine at the University of Alberta, and holds Adjunct Professor appointments with the University of Alberta School of Public Health and University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine. He holds a PhD from Manchester Metropolitan University and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health in 2016. He brings over 25 years of experience in the use of administrative health data for health policy development and evaluation, and is a strong advocate for open data initiatives.

Greg Horne
Global Principal for Health, SAS

Greg is the SAS Global Principal for Health and has clinical background in health care and international experience in health information technology. In this role, Greg consults with organizations across the globe to enable them to leverage analytics to drive outcomes. Moving past the hype, Greg helps organizations take complex concepts in health, AI, data driven outcomes and management of change, and make sense of them in light of the focus on improve patient outcomes while increasing efficiencies and driving down cost.


8:00 AMRegistration, Breakfast and Networking

8:30 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • George Mathew, Regional Lead, Western Canada Customer Advisory, SAS

8:45 AM

Health Care Analytics, Ethics and Outcomes

9:10 AM

Advancing Medicine and Human Health by Turning Data Into Information

  • Larry Svenson, Provincial Health Analytics Officer & Executive Director, Alberta Health

9:35 AM

Panel Discussion
Leveraging analytics to drive value within Health care



  • Larry Svenson, Provincial Health Analytics Officer & Executive Director, Alberta Health
  • Greg Horne, Global Principal – Health, SAS
  • Eric Larson, Executive Director, Integrated Analytics, Hospital Diagnostics & Workforce
  • Brandon Wager,  Director of Clinical Analytics for Island Health, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria (UVic), School of Health Information Science.
10:20 AM

Closing Comments

  • Scott Nason, Senior Account Executive, British Columbia

Fairmont Empress

721 Government St, Victoria, BC V8W 1W5

Additional Resources


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