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Improve product and process quality with statistical process control software

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SAS/QC Software

Go beyond basic process control to improve products, optimize processes and boost customer satisfaction.

Key features

Our powerful quality control software gives you a selection of tools whose depth and breadth is unmatched by other statistical process control (SPC) software packages.

Basic quality problem solving

Provides procedures for implementing the “basic seven QC tools” for analyzing data and presenting problem-solving activity results.

Statistical process control

Delivers flexible, comprehensive tools for implementing statistical process control.

GAGE application

Includes a point-and-click interface for assessing GAGE repeatability and reproducibility.

Process capability analysis

Provides a variety of graphical displays and statistical measures for comparing the distribution of an in-control process to its specification limits.

Reliability analysis

Includes graphical and statistical tools for performing reliability analysis for lifetime and repair data.

Analysis of means

Provides graphical and statistical methods for determining which treatment group yields the best/worst outcome.

Design of experiments

Provides procedures for generating factorial, fractional factorial and mixed-level experimental designs.

Recommended resources on SAS/QC Software

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