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Quickly access presummarized data from a multidimensional data store.

Provide fast, easy access to summarized data generated from vast amounts of detailed data while increasing confidence in the information delivered.

Build consistent OLAP cubes using an integrated ETL process.

Using a simplified ETL process, SAS OLAP Server makes it easy to build consistent OLAP cubes from disparate systems. Integrated metadata ensures that consistent information is delivered across the enterprise and enables IT to quickly justify data integrity.

Quickly populate your BI applications with stable, summarized data.

SAS OLAP Server quickly delivers information to BI applications, irrespective of the amount of underlying data. Summarizing data at several levels of detail before storing provides the summarized data that BI applications require without the need for additional on-the-fly processing.

Free IT from constantly creating ad hoc reports and data summaries.

Because summarized data is organized along business lines, users can get the reports they need without involving IT, freeing IT from the constant work of creating reports and data summaries.


This multidimensional data store provides quick access to presummarized data generated from vast amounts of detailed data. OLAP cubes can be surfaced via the web, through Microsoft Excel, and through SAS or other standards-based browsers.

Industrial strength, multidimensional database

Handles large volumes of business intelligence data. Supports multidimensional and hybrid data stores.

Fast processing of queries

Provides a multithreaded query engine that ensures optimal use of hardware resources.

Easy-to-use GUI

Provides cube designers with an intuitive interface for creating and maintaining OLAP data sources.

Flexible data structures 

Includes temporal dimensions for easily calcu­lating time-based measures for financial analysis, ragged and unbalanced hierarchies for easily modeling and reporting on real-world hierarchies, and parallel drill hierarchies for analyzing along different drill paths within a single dimension. 

Tunable optimization of summarized data

Conserves system resources by storing seldomly accessed data in a compressed format. Frequently queried data can be cached in memory for faster access.

Secure, centralized metadata

Maintains central security information required to prevent unauthorized ac­cess to information. Access rights can be set for entire OLAP data sources or for individual dimensions using user- or group-specific conditions.

Support for multiple languages

Supports multiple languages in captions, drill-through tables and linguistic sorting with sophisticated, language-aware data operations.


Provides multiplatform support for enterprise scalability. 

Cube management

Stores frequently accessed cubes in memory, enabling subsequent queries to access these cached regions quickly.

Explore More on SAS® OLAP Server and Beyond



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