- Customer Success Stories
- InShared

Integrated customer approach with SAS Customer Intelligence solutions

Our choice for SAS is based on our ambition to grow

SAS offers a complete platform for omnichannel marketing, has good integration options and is easy to use for non-technical users.
InShared accomplished this with the use of SAS software • SAS® Customer Intelligence 360
InShared moves towards an integrated omnichannel marketing approach with SAS Customer Intelligence solution
Online insurer InShared, part of Achmea, has been active on the market for twelve years now. Their ambition was to have smarter and integrated campaigns. They wanted to bring their email campaign management to the next level and realize an omnichannel marketing strategy. InShared choose SAS Customer Intelligence 360 as the new omnichannel marketing platform
SAS enables the users of InShared to work independently. Without IT knowledge, they can now make selections themselves. That considerably shortens the time-to-market of campaigns. Martin Lodewijks Business Analist Inshared
Choice of SAS
When choosing a campaign management solution, we looked at the integration possibilities with their existing online platform, the ease of use and the - current and future - functionality. In the end, two parties were shortlisted, including SAS. Lodewijks explains: "Third-party software should integrate seamlessly to our online platform so that our campaigns can always be rolled out according to the current state of our insurance records. It is also important that the software contributes to our ambitions for smarter and integrated campaigns."
The assessment of the two software packages showed that SAS best met InShared's requirements. "Our choice was therefore based on our ambitions to grow."
Shorter time-to-market
Since the implementation of SAS Campaign Management, InShared has been increasingly successful in running and managing smarter and more targeted e-mail campaigns, with increasing autonomy for the different business teams. "Although we are running more and more campaigns, we can still manage it with a relatively small team. SAS enables the business users to work independently, being less reliant on IT. That considerably shortens the time-to-market of campaigns," says Lodewijks.
InShared has been using SAS Campaign Management for commercial mailings of InShared and Hema Verzekeringen for several years. These are often very specific and targeted campaigns, in addition to the occasional 'blasts'. As an example of the targeted approach to customers, Lodewijks mentions that, in the past, all customers who selected a car insurance policy were also offered home insurance. Now, when selecting the right offer, we can make a better match between the type of customer and the insurance product.
Integrated customer approach with SAS Customer Intelligence 360
InShared is keen to extend this micro-targeting to cross-channel, explains Lodewijks. "There are customers and prospects who do not want to receive e-mails. We would like to target them via other channels. For instance, how can we better target customers during their website visit?
To do so, InShared is implementing SAS Customer Intelligence 360 as the new omnichannel marketing platform. This will help InShared to integrate campaign selections into the digital domain. Lodewijks continues: "Different campaigns can soon be combined and managed, which helps us to make better customer selections. We want to improve our services (self-service) and our commercial offers towards our customers".
By migrating to SAS Customer Intelligence 360, InShared can also better respond to the needs of the marketers, allowing them to do as much as possible without IT intervention. This gives campaign managers more control over their own planning and allows them to easily make their own selections.
· Marketers can create their own campaigns without any technical skills.
· Integrated customer approach by integrating online and offline channels.
· Information available real-time across all channels, allowing us to provide customers more targeted and relevant offers.
About InShared
InShared is a 100% internet-based insurance company with a full self-service concept. InShared is a Dutch company, part of Achmea Schadeverzekeringen. InShared is stimulating good behavior of its clients and is willing to reward all measures taken to prevent damages and claims. It is the first insurer which guarantees refunding of surplus profits to its customers. The money that's been reserved for paying damages, but hasn't been used is paid back to the insured. InShared offers various non-life insurance policies for cars, motorcycles, scooters, caravans, housing, liability, legal assistance, accidents, travel and animals.