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Curiosity inspires. Education empowers.

Education Outreach

Education gives each new generation the power to change what’s possible. Around the world, SAS supports education initiatives that promote learning for all and build a global community of innovators.

Issues that matter

Building a data literate future

Our world is awash in data. Being able to consume, interpret and understand it is critical to navigating everyday life. That’s data literacy, and it’s becoming increasingly essential for people of all ages.

Three children doing a craft
Children playing in classroom

Issues that matter

Closing the analytics skills gap

Educators are introducing students to computer science concepts at earlier ages through apps such as SAS® CodeSnaps, which uses robots to teach basic coding skills in a fun and engaging way.

Issues that matter

Encouraging interest in STEM

STEM job growth rates are projected to soar over the next decade. Generating enthusiasm at all grade levels will be key to preparing students with the essential skills for a technology-driven workforce.

High school students in STEM classroom
Children in classroom raising their hands

Issues that matter

Improving reading proficiency

Students who cannot read proficiently by the end of third grade are four times more likely to leave school before graduating. Businesses are stepping up to improve those literacy rates.

Investment in Higher Education

Free Academic Software

Free and low-cost analytics software for students, educators, independent learners and academic researchers, with e-learning courses, video tutorials and online community support.

Analytics Degree Programs

SAS has helped launch master’s and undergraduate degrees and certificate programs around the world that generate the analytical talent businesses need most.


Several opportunities are available through SAS to propel students toward STEM-related careers that will make a difference in the world.

Volunteers & Giving

As an essential part of our commitment to education, SAS volunteers hundreds of hours each year to initiatives and events on a local, regional and national scale that encourage all students to reach their full potential as future leaders and innovators. By driving efforts to prepare more graduates for college and work in the 21st century, SAS welcomes a responsibility to our greater global community.

  • AI4ALL
  • Data Science 4 Everyone
  • National Society of Black Engineers
  • NC Public School Forum
  • NC Society of Hispanic Professionals
  • NC State University Foundation
  • News Literacy Project
  • NC Science Festival
  • STEAM Showcase for Students with Disabilities
  • University of North Carolina Data Dashboard
  • Wake Ed Partnership

Education Matters Making News

Group of students attending class


Are we prepared to raise a generation of data natives?

Woman playing game


SAS, robotics firm partner to help students with visual impairments learn to code.

Young boy standing in front of chalkboard


Five things every student should know about data science