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Artificial Intelligence

Composite AI

Push the boundaries of innovation. Solve any problem.

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Get to Know Composite AI

Why You Need Composite AI

Innovate faster, with maximum value, to achieve better results. Composite AI delivers the AI advantage to your customers and your organization.

Accelerated Innovation

The Challenge

Organizations are facing more complex problems than ever before, involving vast quantities and multiple types of data. Solving them requires a combination of innovative analytic approaches.

The SAS Composite AI Advantage

SAS Viya provides AI and advanced analytics capabilities in a single platform that spans the end-to-end analytics life cycle.

Empowerment for Everyone

The Challenge

Organizations often lack (and struggle to find) the skilled resources to address all their analytics challenges.

The SAS Composite AI Advantage

Composite AI is for everyone – not just data scientists – with low-code/no-code interfaces available for less-skilled users. It democratizes data access and analysis, minimizing reliance on expensive and hard-to-find skilled resources.

Explainability & Trust

The Challenge

Unexplainable AI models can lead to distrust and concerns about bias.

The SAS Composite AI Advantage

Explainability is built into SAS, providing lineage and model interpretability explained in business language.

Faster Time to Value

The Challenge

While different tools, frameworks and technologies can fuel innovation and creativity, this splintered approach entails a level of complexity that makes it difficult to turn analytics into value.

The SAS Composite AI Advantage

By operating on a single platform, you can reduce costs and the risk of project failure – hastening both innovation and time to value through faster model deployment.

Why choose SAS for composite AI?

  • Composite AI, according to Gartner, is the "combination of different AI techniques to achieve the best result.” Another term for this is "multidisciplinary analytics," and SAS has been helping customers build such systems for many years.​ Gartner 2020 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies

Customer Success

Look Who's Working Smarter With SAS

  • USG logo

    Optimizing production to improve product quality and time to market

    USG Corporation relies on SAS to improve its manufacturing process and reduce downtime, costs and energy consumption.

In the Spotlight

Read article: Composite AI: The Critical Component You've Never Heard Of


Composite AI: The Critical Concept You've Never Heard Of

Gartner says composite AI will be a big deal for enterprises. Find out why.

Read 2021 Trends Data Scientists Should Follow

Blog Post

2021 Trends Data Scientists Should Follow

Get insights into the key market trends for data scientists as outlined in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms.

Read blog post: See How Composite AI Benefits Retailers, Doctors and Bankers

Blog Post

See how composite AI benefits retailers, doctors and bankers

"Which AI technique should I use?" The best answer is often a combination of multiple techniques and technologies.

How SAS Delivers Composite AI

Computer Vision

Detect anomalies quicker and more accurately than the human eye.


Produce more accurate forecasts – and more of them – using AI to automate large-scale time series analyses.

Natural Language Processing

Understand, interpret and emulate human language using topic discovery, entity extraction, sentiment analysis and more.

Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Continuously improve and adapt to changes and solve the most complex analytical problems using advancements in deep learning – from algorithmic improvements, to new classes of neural networks, to higher computational power.


Find optimal solutions to complex business and planning problems while operating within resource limitations and other relevant restrictions.


Act on observations at a granular level using the most appropriate analytical modeling techniques.

SAS Visual Analytics shown on desktop monitor

Free Trial

Explore the newest capabilities of SAS Viya

Get a free, 14-day trial of SAS Viya, which includes all the capabilities of Composite AI and the entire analytics life cycle.