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SAS and the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT)

Gaining true value from IoT data through advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI).

What is AIoT?

Driving innovation and gaining a competitive advantage require more than just connecting devices and gathering data. Without AI capabilities, IoT devices and the data they produce would have limited value. And AI applications would struggle for relevancy if it weren't for the IoT data flooding today's utilities, manufacturers, retailers, hospitals, insurers, etc. The IoT gives brands the potential to expand the customer experience, anticipating needs and becoming truly embedded in the consumer’s world. When you merge AI and IoT, you get the Artificial Intelligence of Things, or AIoT – a revolutionary combination that can transform industries, elevate customer experiences and accelerate business performance exponentially.

AIoT Facts & Figures

55 billion
IoT devices

There will be more than 55 billion IoT devices by 2025 – more than four devices for every person on earth – according to Business Insider Intelligence. That's up from about 9 billion in 2017. 

IoT projects that will include AI

By 2022, Gartner predicts that more than 80 percent of enterprise IoT projects will include an AI component, up from a mere 10 percent today.

potential lift in profitability

According to Forbes, organizations that can apply real-time AI to IoT data could gain substantial business value, including as much as a 38 percent lift in profitability by 2035.

Featured AIoT Resources

Abstract radiance art on green background

This TDWI Checklist Report, sponsored by SAS, outlines six best practices data professionals and practitioners should follow when using IoT to improve the customer experience.

Abstract radiance art on cobalt background

Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) can help you unlock the full potential of the IoT.  

Abstract radiance art on plum background

Discover how AI and IoT work together to deliver everything from improved threat detection to better customer engagement for utilities.

Featured Customer | Volvo Trucks & Mack Trucks

Volvo Trucks and Mack Trucks use sensor data and AI solutions from SAS to predict maintenance issues and minimize unplanned downtime.

AIoT Recommended Resources

Black background with Artificial Intelligence brain


Toward the Artificial Intelligence of Things

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AI & IoT, Better Together to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Driverless Car Evaluating upcoming Traffic


AIoT helps move transportation forward

Abstract data respresentation - detail


Five ways that AIoT delivers value to utilities

Abstract data visualization art on charcoal background


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