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Get more done with the fastest, most productive data and AI platform

businesswoman looking ahead

Why SAS is the leading data & AI platform

SAS is the founder and future of analytics. It all began when curious minds set out to answer some big questions. Is there a better way to analyze data? How can we turn data into intelligence? Who might benefit from our technology? Lines of code were the key to something extraordinary. Now SAS has customers around the world. We analyze billions of rows of data every second that change the way we work and live.

We know your industry

SAS analytics is meeting the needs of organizations in every industry and every size. Our experts have deep industry knowledge, so we understand your nuanced challenges. With better fraud detection, banks can keep money safe. With better demand planning, manufacturers and retailers can keep shelves stocked. With better predictive analytics, governments can meet the needs of citizens. And with better health care analytics, hospitals can improve outcomes.

Woman in lab coat reviewing health data on computer screen
Street shot of police barricade at crime scene
Woman sitting with laptop and bank card reviewing account
Man smiling as he helps daughter reach for items on shelf in grocery store
Screen shot of data analysis results in various forms

Results every step of the way

Data management and analytics solutions offer insights across the entire analytics life cycle with trusted results.

  • Data access, data preparation and data quality
  • Visualization, reporting and governance
  • Conversational AI and chatbots
  • Statistics, machine learning and deep learning
  • Optimization and econometrics
  • Model deployment and monitoring

90% of Fortune 100 companies or their affiliates are SAS customers

An average over the past five years shows that organizations work with SAS because of our trusted analytics, deep industry knowledge, strong partnerships and continued innovation. See how SAS is changing the way our customers do business.

Hear what analysts have to say

Analysts consistently rank SAS high in data management, AI, analytics, model management and more. Search by topic, industry or analyst firm to find reports relevant to your business.

Two men and a woman at work reviewing data on a computer screen
Two health care professionals in lab coats reviewing data on a computer screen

Responsible innovation you can trust

From protecting your sensitive data to meeting industry and accessibility standards, SAS is dedicated to responsible innovation. When you use our software, you can be confident that every measure is taken to give you the most secure environment to protect your data.

SAS Viya

The power of SAS is now in one easy-to-use AI and analytics platform. With the speed and convenience of being entirely cloud native.

SAS offers the right training to succeed in a data-driven world

In the past few years there's been an almost 17% increase in the number of job postings requiring SAS software skills, meaning there are plenty of opportunities with the right training. We offer a wide range of courses, tutorials and certifications to help you get where you want to be.

Teacher and three students in classroom reviewing data on laptops
Colorful city scape at night with lights connecting the area

SAS has a strong network of communities and support

Answers are always within reach with our SAS Communities. Get tips, share knowledge and learn about events from thousands of other SAS software users. You can also go straight to the source by searching documentation, samples and product resources on SAS Support.