
Your journey to a GenAI future: An insurer’s strategic path to success

Global research study reveals obstacles and opportunities when integrating GenAI technology

The insurance industry is rapidly embracing generative AI technology, recognizing its extraordinary capabilities through high rates of personal and organizational usage. Overwhelmingly, insurance companies around the globe plan to invest in GenAI over the next year, and most have a dedicated budget in place. Yet many lack sufficient budgeting for GenAI governance, and most governance frameworks are still in development.

Recent research compiled survey results from 1,600 global organizations across a wide range of sectors. In this report, we drilled down to the 236 respondents who are senior decision makers in GenAI strategy or data analytics in the insurance sector.

Read the results to understand insurance firms’ unique perspectives on GenAI – including how the industry compares to other sectors, how you can proactively prepare for implementation challenges, what the most promising business opportunities are, and which issues are the top concerns.