The Streaming Analytics Scaries: What they are and how to get over them
For industrial and asset-intensive companies
For industrial and asset-intensive companies
The “Sunday Scaries” are the hard-to-place, anxious feeling you experience on Sunday, when facing the prospect of a busy week full of deadlines, deliverables and unknowns. At a lot of industrial and asset-intensive companies, IT and business leaders alike are grappling with a related syndrome. Let’s call it the Streaming Analytics Scaries. That’s the anxious feeling you get when you know you could be doing a lot more with streaming analytics, but you end up stalling because of related worries. What if it costs too much? What if our data quality isn’t up to par? What if our people aren’t ready for it?
In this book, we address the top five factors holding back most asset-intensive companies when it comes to implementing and taking advantage of streaming analytics. Read it, put the scaries to rest, and start delivering more value and insight in ways few in your organization may have ever thought possible.