White Paper

Generative AI in Health Care: Opportunities and Cautions

SAS Experts: Jason DiNovi and Tom Wriggins in discussion with Bob Morison, Senior Advisor, IIA

Generative AI offers healthcare organizations – including physician practices, hospital systems and health insurers – a wide variety of opportunities to make people more knowledgeable and processes more efficient. At the same time, generating new content introduces new challenges and concerns, while the technology landscape is changing fast.

The use of generative AI will affect all aspects of health care, from cost containment to patient care. Organizations must recognize both the potential and the limits of this new technology and be alert to ways it’s being used to perpetrate fraud.

To discuss the opportunities and the cautions of GenAI in health care, IIA spoke with experts from the SAS Fraud, Risk and Security Intelligence Practice: Tom Wriggins, Senior Manager and Global Lead for Health Care, Fraud and Compliance, and Jason DiNovi, Health Care, Fraud Analytics Consultant.