Using machine learning and demand sensing to enhance short-term forecasting

White Paper

Using machine learning and demand sensing to enhance short-term forecasting

presented by SAS

Effective supply chain management is critical to retailers and the consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies to have product at the right place, right quantity, and the right time. To make sure these products are available when customers need them, leading brands can implement a machine learning enhanced short-term (one to eight week) forecast to understand and predict changing consumer demand driven by sales, promotions, store-level point-of-sale data, store inventories, and open orders to better understand consumer
demand patterns. This is called short-term demand sensing.

Learn how this new technique:
• Increases sales revenue.
• Streamlines deployment, transportation planning, and supply planning.
• Boosts customer service levels by having the right products available in store.
• Improves profit through enhanced replenishment efficiencies and fewer stock-outs on shelf.