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On-Demand Webinar

Transformative Technologies for Next-Gen Policing

Explore the growing importance of data and insights in establishing a new generation of policies, training and approaches for law enforcement, including a focus on officer wellness.

About the webinar

As law enforcement leaders explore ways to implement police reforms that deliver more accountability and transparency, the goals are clear: Strengthen public safety, improve policing outcomes, and enhance community relationships.

To build the public trust necessary to realize these goals, law enforcement leaders must ensure their officers’ well-being to increase positive engagement with the public and create a desirable work environment.

In this webinar, our experts – including two veterans of law enforcement – will explore the growing importance of data and insights in establishing a new generation of policies, training and approaches.

They’ll discuss how these new initiatives can help reduce use-of-force complaints, decrease litigation risk, and promote transparency and accountability while building public trust.

Our experts also will detail the benefits of taking an officer wellness approach on mitigating external risks such as accidents, use of force and citizen complaints.

What you'll learn:

  • The importance of early intervention in identifying officers under stress.
  • Ways that integrating more data can generate a holistic view of individual officers.
  • How capturing data on patterns associated with excellent police work creates opportunities for training, policy development, promotions and job assignments.
  • A holistic yet local approach to implementing evidence-based systems.
  • Why incorporating an officer wellness approach makes sense.

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About the Experts

Kathleen O’Toole
Former Chief of Police, Seattle

Juan Colon
Retired Major, New Jersey State Police
Advisory Industry Consultant, SAS

Gretchen Stewart
HPC and Data Analytics Technical Leader, Intel

Jennifer Robinson
Town of Cary Councilmember and Director of Local Government Solutions, SAS

Donald DeLucca
Partner at V2 Global, Public Safety Ambassador Wrap Technologies and Former Miami Beach Chief of Police

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More than 20 years of partnership between SAS and Intel means that extraordinary computing power is in reach for our customers. We collaborate extensively to ensure our world leading analytics solutions take full advantage of the latest Intel hardware capabilities. In fact, SAS® products list an Intel architecture as the CPU system requirement. This means faster access to more accurate and timely insights for everyone.