On-Demand Webinar

Real-Time Analytics in Communications: Deeper Customer Insights. Better Customer Experience.

Learn how to create real-time, contextualized interactions and analyze all data to gain a holistic view of customers.


About the webinar

Want to truly connect with your customers? A set-it-and-forget-it CX strategy just isn’t going to cut it.

If you want to create real-time, meaningful, personalized interactions, you’re gonna need to go deeper.

With customer analytics, you can analyze all your data to gain a holistic view of customers. It’s the most direct line to meaningful, consistent engagements throughout the customer journey.

In fact, according to a survey sponsored by SAS, Intel and Accenture and conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 58 percent of respondents said their companies have seen a significant increase in customer retention and loyalty from using customer analytics.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • Why CSPs invest in real-time analytics.
  • How CSPs are deploying personalization and measurement to inform CX.
  • Concrete steps that CSPs should consider when undertaking real-time deployment.

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About the Experts

Brian Jakubowski, Managing Director, Accenture Digital

Michael Pawlak, Principal Industry Consultant, Global Communications Practice, SAS