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On-Demand Webinar

Making a Difference in the Opioid Epidemic: Data and Analytics

This webinar, part of our "Analytics in 20" series, takes a look at the issues surrounding the opioid crisis and real-world examples of how analytics can help.

About the webinar

We know that transforming data into insights could change the course of the opioid epidemic. But the data we need is typically hard to act on; it’s siloed, in fragmented formats and/or too large to deal with.

We’ll take a fresh look at the issues that continue to intensify the opioid crisis and share real-life examples of analytics improving treatment protocols, educating the public and informing policy.

To listen to the first part of this webinar, click here to add it to your calendar. No registration is required.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Alyssa A. Farrell, Advisory Industry Marketing Manager, SAS Health & Life Sciences Practice

Alyssa Farrell leads industry marketing for the SAS Global Health and Life Sciences Practice. She focuses on the SAS® solutions that help optimize health outcomes for individuals and their communities. She is actively engaged in analyst relations, market research and influencer marketing to stay on top of industry trends and align SAS capabilities to customer needs. Previously at SAS, she has supported the energy and public sector global teams. Prior to joining SAS in 2004, Farrell was a senior consultant in the Deloitte Public Sector practice.

Speaker 2

Steve Kearney, Medical Director, SAS  

Kearney works with a world-renowned team to help solve the most complex health care challenges using advanced analytical solutions. Prior to joining SAS, he was a Director in the Medical Outcomes Specialists group for Pfizer Global Medical. He worked at Pfizer for 17 years, integrating clinical data into practical protocols. He developed measures and systematic implementations for health outcomes, advising on good health care policy for states. He integrated decision support for delivery networks, evaluated claims for payers and educated them on health outcomes, and provided disease-state insights for providers. Kearney worked every day to improve the lives of patients.

Speaker 2

Sherrine Eid, Principal Industry Consultant, SAS Health Care & Life Sciences

Eid has more than 20 years of experience in real-world evidence, epidemiology and biostatistics. Her passion for better public health led her to work for USAID, CDC and other donors in global health development with a focus on reproductive health and family planning and infectious diseases. Her current focus is supporting regulatory, safety, late-phase and post-marketing activities across therapeutic areas using clinical and real-world data to glean real-world insight.