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SAS Training Points

Training points make it easy to get discounts on SAS training

Get the best value for your training budget

Looking for a flexible way to get discounts on SAS training? SAS Training Points allow your organization to purchase training at a discount.

Big savings

SAS Training Points give you access to the best available discounts, maximizing your training budget.

Single budget

Consolidate your training expenses into a single, easy-to-manage invoice for greater simplicity.

Track progress

Get monthly updates and online access to reports, so you can monitor your training usage and make informed decisions.

Ongoing support

Your SAS education representative will offer expert guidance and ongoing support for all your training needs.

Ways to use SAS Training Points

Training services:

  • Public and live web courses
  • Business knowledge series courses
  • Digital learning subscriptions
  • SAS certification exam vouchers and selected training packages
  • SAS conferences
  • Cortex Analytics Simulation
Woman with headphones holding coffee cup

Train Your Team:

  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Private live web
  • Private in person
  • Enterprise digital subscriptions
  • SAS Training Center rental fees

Note: Training services may vary regionally.

Make the most of your points

Tailor your training points plan to fit your needs. Check out the options below for ideas to put your points to work.

Services may vary globally. Contact us to learn how we can customize training options specifically for you.

5,000 POINTS

Prep for Certification

  • One seat in a SAS Learning Subscription
  • Certification exam prep
  • Exam vouchers

Upskill Your Team

  • Four seats in a SAS Learning Subscription
  • Half-day of post-training mentoring

15,000 POINTS

Prep for Certification

  • Two seats in the SAS Learning Subscription
  • Two seats in public live web training
  • SAS Visual Analytics 1 for SAS Viya: Basics
  • SAS Visual Analytics 2 for SAS Viya: Advanced
  • Access to exam prep materials and vouchers

Upskill Your Team

  • Private training for Machine Learning using SAS Viya
  • Half-day of post training mentoring
  • 25 seats in private Cortex Analytics Simulation game
Group of students attending class

25,000 POINTS

Prep for Certification

  • Ten seats in the SAS Programming Learning Subscription
  • Five seats in the SAS Advanced Programming Learning Subscription
  • Access to exam prep materials and vouchers

Upskill Your Team

  • Half-day, virtual post training mentoring and exam prep sessions
Woman working on computer and smiling

Connect with us

Fill out the form to connect with an expert who can help customize your training points plan. You can also check your available training points balance.

Man speaking with customer on headset

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