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Trusted Decisions With SAS Viya on AWS

Make confident decisions and maximize your ROI from investments in data management, machine learning and AI.

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Read Partner Brief: SAS and AWS

Partner Brief


Get e-book: 4 Winning Strategies to Kick-Start the Next Chapter of Your Digital Transformation


4 Winning Strategies to Kick-Start the Next Chapter of Your Digital Transformation

Get white paper: SAS Viya and the cloud: How SAS is changing the game it invented

White Paper

SAS Viya and the Cloud: How SAS Is Changing the Game It Invented

Why choose SAS on AWS?

By bringing SAS Viya to the world's most broadly adopted cloud platform, SAS and AWS will help organizations of every kind make faster, trusted decisions and maximize their investments in data management, machine learning and AI.


Part of a larger community

SAS Viya is designed, tested and approved to leverage the same cloud services used every day by millions of AWS users.


Keeping it local

Ensure data protection and sovereignty by moving your computing to where the data lives. Plus, save money by eliminating unnecessary egress fees.


Fast start

Stand up applications faster with cloud-native deployments on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service and manage your applications using the same tools you know and trust.

Get to know SAS Viya on AWS

How SAS on AWS can help

SAS Viya has been designed to run natively on Amazon Web Services, bringing the longest-standing leader in analytics to the world's most comprehensive cloud platform.

Be open

Enable business analysts and data scientists to collaborate with access to powerful analytics via APIs, open source languages and no-code visual tools.

Be flexible

From a single data science workbench to a shared, massively parallel compute engine, provision only what you need, when you need it.

Be quick

Machine-learning-driven automation, world-class model management and end-to-end governance enable you to prepare data and get models into production faster.

Customer Success

Working smarter with SAS on AWS

  • CNM logo

    Strengthening communities with analytics in the cloud

    Nonprofit consulting firm CNM uses SAS Visual Analytics on AWS to help other nonprofits measure and communicate the impact of their work.

Contact Us

We can help you get started with SAS on Amazon Web Services. Tell us a little about yourself and a SAS team member will get in touch to learn about your specific needs.

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