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SAS Office Analytics for Midsize Business shown on laptop

SAS® Office Analytics for Midsize Business

Access the power of SAS from a familiar Microsoft Office environment.

Explore data for emerging trends. Gain insights into customers and markets. And get the accurate, fact-based information you need to act quickly, decisively and confidently. Use SAS for data access and management, sophisticated analytics and reporting from a familiar Microsoft Office environment – no analytical expertise or IT support required.  


Get a single, consistent view of data.

Access and consolidate data from different operational systems to get a unified view of current information. Instead of building your own data extracts, you can take the most recent data from operational systems and populate Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint files, as well as SharePoint portals – different versions of the same report will be a thing of the past.

Make business users self-sufficient.

By taking advantage of SAS Analytics directly from familiar Microsoft Office applications, business users can get predictive insights rather than just summaries and basic graphs. They'll be confident that they're using the most up-to-date information for accurate analysis, while eliminating problems associated with intermediate summarized data formats.

Get faster, better results – easily.

An intuitive query interface lets you access large amounts of data and view results directly in Excel. Guided analysis enables you to analyze data, schedule projects, share results and embed them into Office applications.

Free IT for more strategic tasks.

Centralized data access and control ensures that users have appropriate access privileges and can react quickly to business demands. This frees IT from tedious maintenance and ad hoc query and reporting tasks.  

Satisfy compliance regulations.

Produce repeatable results using validated data and pro­cesses that are easy to document and verify for corporate and govern­mental compliance. Imagine the time savings – no more tracking down which report is the correct one.


  • Seamless Microsoft Office Integration

    Microsoft SharePoint

    Microsoft Outlook

  • Analytic & Statistical Information Access


SAS Office Analytics for Midsize Business shown on desktop monitor
  • Microsoft Office integration
  • Data access engines
  • Powerful SAS Analytics
  • Guided analysis and model development for power users
  • Business metadata management for IT

Technical Information

Young man and woman working together at laptop computer

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