Man standing in front of a class of students sitting behind computer monitors

SAS Talent Connection

Our Talent Connection Program facilitates easy connections between higher education students and companies using SAS.

For more than 25 years, SAS France has been dedicated to equipping university students with analytics and SAS skills, enabling them to secure employment opportunities.

The French subsidiary was a pioneer in academia, recognizing the critical importance of collaborating with universities to share technology and innovation while building talent connections with business customers. This vision led to the creation of the SAS France Academic Program in 1999.

We are strengthening connections with universities in France to support students learning SAS through various initiatives, including SAS Specializations and Certification programs. We offer customers the opportunity to host these students for internships or apprenticeships ("alternance") at their companies. This initiative provides valuable experience for students and showcases the value of SAS to our customers. Recruiting young talent is a top priority.

Since 2013, SAS has provided internships to 20 students each year, either at SAS, with a customer, or with a partner. A total of 250 students have participated in this program, which includes training in Data Science for Fraud, Risk and Customer Intelligence.

Applications open in the Fall Term, with Recruitment Day held in mid-December. This program is available to students in their final year of studies.

SAS Spring Campus 2025

Cours du 3 au 14 mars 2025, suivis de la mission de stage du 17 mars au 31 août 2025

Talent Connection Event - SAS France - 2024
Talent Connection Event - SAS France - 2023
Talent Connection Event - SAS France - 2022
Talent Connection Event - SAS France - 2021

A selection of universities and schools that teach SAS as part of their coursework (please note, this is not the full list).

The SAS Academic Specialisation is a distinction granted by SAS to Universities and other higher education institutions that incorporate SAS into their curriculum, requiring a minimum of 150 hours of SAS-related instruction. More information can be found here


University / CollegeFacultySAS Academic Specialisation / SAS Courses
Université d'OrléansFaculte de Droit, Economie & gestion, Master ESABusiness Analytics
CY Cergy Paris UniversitéUFR D’Economie& De Gestion Master, 2 IEADBusiness Analytics & Statistical Data Analysis
Le Mans UniversityFaculte De Droit, Des SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES & DE GESTION
Master MBFA
Insurance & Economic Analytics
IESEGMaster (MS) in Big Data Analytics for BusinessData Science for Business
Université de Reims Champagne-ArdenneUFR Mathématiques & UFR Economie
Master SEP
Analytics & Data Science
Université Paris-Est CréteilFSEG
Licence ETI, Masters MBFA, MASERATI, Eco-Sante
Econometrics, Credit Scoring Models, Statistics
Université Paris 1 Pantheon-SorbonneEcole d’Economie de La Sorbonne, Master 1 EcoStatStochastic Modelling with SAS
Université Paris 1 Pantheon-SorbonneEcole d’Economie de La Sorbonne, Master 2 MOSEFAdvanced Methods in Data Science & Big Data
Université Paris 1 Pantheon-SorbonneEcole d’Economie de La Sorbonne, Master MOSEFArtificial Intelligence & Big Data
ESSEC Business School   Department of Information Systems, Data Analytics, and Operations Predictive Analysis with SAS
Bordeaux School of Public HealthDigital Public HealthBiostatistics
Universite De LilleMaster SIADSAS Viya
Universite De NantesMathematics / Statistics and Data AnalysisBP Certification
Universite De Paris Est CreteilClinical / PharmaStatistics & SAS
Universite De Paris Est CreteilData ScienceEconometrics
Universite De Paris EstCreteil EconomicsSAS Software
Universite De Paris Est CreteilFinance / BankingCredit Scoring Models
Universite Sorbonne Paris NordData ScienceBig Data, ML
Universite Sorbonne Paris NordClinical / PharmaStatistics & SAS
Universite De Bretagne SudData ScienceProgramming / Stat
Universite De Bretagne Sud - IUTData ScienceProgramming / Stat
Université Paris Dauphine - PSLDep. MIDO (Mathematiques et Informatique de la decision et des organisations)SAS Viya, Data Viz & Machine Learning on Big Data
SAS Badge - Université d'Orléans
SAS Badge - CY Cergy Paris Université
SAS Badge - Le Mans University
IESEG School of Management Academic Specialization in Data Science for Business Badge
Universite Reims Champagne-Ardenne Academic Specialization in Analytics & Data Science Badge

Why to consider joining SAS Talent Connection?

Sarah Jilal
Leo Briand

Sarah Jilal
Master 2 student in Economic Analysis and Policy at the University of Lyon
SAS Spring Campus 2024.

During my studies, I discovered the SAS Spring Campus and was immediately captivated by its concept of one month of training followed by a five-month internship. I am thrilled to be doing my internship at Prosol, as the retail sector greatly appeals to me. Additionally, it is always enriching to meet other students and exchange ideas about our career paths.

Léo Briand
Master 2 ESA at University of Orleans
SAS Spring Campus 2024.

I am excited to explore the business world while continuing to learn! After just one day of training at SAS, I was impressed by the wealth of knowledge I gained, not only from the speakers but also from fellow students.

Juliette Veignal

Juliette's Journey: From SAS Spring Campus to Professional Success

Meet Juliette Veignal, a dynamic professional boasting a master’s degree in econometrics and applied statistics from the University of Orleans. Presently engaged in a prominent French insurance and banking corporation, Juliette’s career trajectory is mixed with her extensive involvement with SAS. From her tenure as an intern at SAS to her acquisition of certifications and her pivotal role in implementing anti-money laundering solutions, Juliette's journey exemplifies the significance of seizing opportunities and embracing lifelong learning.

SAS® Certifications & Skills Directory on Credly

This public directory lists individuals who have claimed a digital badge after successfully completing a SAS training, analytics competition, certification, or academic program. New badge earners are automatically added to the directory and can opt-in to be contacted by employers with job opportunities that match their skills.