Article Unlocking a strategic approach to data and AIAI is only as good as the data that powers it – this is a fundamental truth about data and AI that defines the limits of what’s possible with artificial intelligence. It may seem surprising, but it's rarely a bad algorithm or a bad learning model that causes AI failures. It's not the math or the science. More often, it's the quality of the data being used to answer the question.
Article AI anxiety: Calm in the face of changeAI anxiety is no joke. Whether you fear jobs becoming obsolete, information being distorted or simply missing out, understanding AI anxiety can help you conquer it.
Article Mit synthetischen Daten AI-Durchbrüche ermöglichenIn diesem Artikel beleuchten wir die entscheidende Rolle von synthetischen Daten in unseren daten-hungrigen AI-Initiativen, wie Unternehmen Wachstum mit synthetischen Daten generieren können, und welche ethischen Fragen noch nicht geklärt sind.
Article Was sind AI-Halluzinationen?Es ist schwer, Fakten und AI-generierte Fiktion voneinander zu trennen. Erfahren Sie, welche Fehler bei Large Language Models auftreten können und wie es in der Folge zu AI-Halluzinationen kommt – und lernen Sie, GenAI verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen.
Article Was sind Chatbots?Chatbots sind eine Art dialogfähige künstliche Intelligenz (AI), die dazu konzipiert ist, menschliche Interaktionen mit Computern zu vereinfachen. Erfahren Sie, wie Chatbots in Unternehmen eingesetzt werden und wie sie in Analytics-Anwendungen integriert werden können.
Article A data scientist’s views on data literacyData literacy is a social imperative – and understanding data and data analysis is critical for being a responsible citizen. Get a data scientist and teacher's perspective on the value of having foundational knowledge so you can more easily tell data facts from data fiction.
Article Public health infrastructure desperately needs modernizationPublic health agencies must flex to longitudinal health crises and acute emergencies – from natural disasters like hurricanes to events like a pandemic. To be prepared, public health infrastructure must be modernized to support connectivity, real-time data exchanges, analytics and visualization.
Article Analytics leads to lifesaving cancer therapiesA long-shot treatment offers hope to 10-year-old Harrison after he learns the DNA profile of his cancer is resistant to chemo. Find out how data and analytics play a role in cancer research and cancer treatments that are saving lives.
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