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Beschaffungsbetrug stellt ein immer größeres Problem dar und es gibt nicht genug Kontrollen, um dem entgegenzuwirken. In diesem White Paper wird untersucht, wie Sie das ändern können.
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Article Big data in government: How data and analytics power public programsBig data in government is vital when analyzed and used to improve the outcomes of both public and private sector programs – from emergency response to workforce effectiveness. The vast volumes of data created every day are the foundation of insightful changes for government agencies across the globe.
E-BOOK Public procurement integrity at riskFraud, waste and abuse (FWA) take many forms, from duplicate invoices, ghost vendors and fake invoices to overbilling billing for goods. This e-book explores the procure-to-pay lifecycle, obstacles to spotting FWA, how to strengthen government procurement, hat's possible in the real world and how a data and AI-driven approach leads to greater productivity.
White Paper Leveraging Analytics in Environmental ComplianceLeveraging Analytics in Environmental Compliance Discover how analytics help state agencies streamline environmental compliance, tackle workforce challenges and meet growing regulatory demands. Why read? Learn how data and analytics can streamline the permitting process. See how compliance efforts can be more focused and impactful. Explore insights on balancing environmental and economic needs. Understand strategies to manage workforce shortages effectively. About the white paper: This white paper examines how state environmental agencies can leverage advanced data and analytics to streamline compliance processes, address staffing shortages and navigate evolving regulations. Our SAS experts highlight strategies to ensure environmental protections while balancing economic activity. Discover how analytics can enhance efficiency and improve outcomes in the environmental compliance sector. About the expert guests: Dan Childers, Solutions Advisor, SAS Julie Espy, Sr. Industry Consultant, SAS Jeremy Ray, Sr. Industry Consultant, SAS
White Paper Solving the public services productivity puzzleIn Global Government Forum’s survey, 91% of public service respondents said they face a productivity challenge, with 56% characterizing it as significant or very significant.
E-BOOK Intelligent decisioning in governmentGovernments can incorporate AI-driven decisioning into existing business processes to take advantage of digital transformation benefits. Through automated processes, deeper insights and the ability to act quickly, governments can innovate service delivery, drive efficiency and help build a better future.
Analyst Report SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
E-BOOK Seven trends shaping the future of taxOur industry experts identified seven megatrends shaping the future of tax and how SAS can help you tackle them. Also, learn how other agencies around the world are addressing the challenges and looking ahead.
E-BOOK Danger in the digital realm: Protecting children from predatorsIncidences of child sexual exploitation are skyrocketing around the world, creating backlogs of cases for already overwhelmed law enforcement organizations. Learn about new technologies that can help law enforcement work more efficiently to protect children from harm, catch offenders faster, and eliminate backlogs -- all while reducing the negative impacts of distressing cases and content on officer well-being.
E-BOOK Rising Waters and Rapid ResponsesGet an insider’s view of the tools and strategies that some leaders in flood management are already deploying to better protect their citizens, as well as case studies that show how these approaches work in real-world applications.
White Paper Anti-Fraud Technology As criminals find new ways to exploit technology and target potential victims, anti-fraud professionals must adopt new technologies to effectively navigate the evolving threat landscape.
E-BOOK The future of public health: Building more resilient infrastructure for better health outcomesModernizing management and analysis of public health data can help drive better decisions and health outcomes at every level and enable unparalleled efficiencies and strategies in a new era of public health.
CUSTOMER STORY Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residentsJakarta and SAS team up to create an award-winning approach to public services and disaster management.
CUSTOMER STORY Advanced analytics helps hospital put patients at the heart of improved outcomes San Martino Polyclinic Hospital uses SAS Visual Analytics on SAS Viya for more patient-focused operations and decisions.
Blogbeitrag Meet the women fighting child exploitationGet to know the women who have poured their energy into SAS' investigation tool for fighting child sexual exploitation.
White Paper Governments adapting to changeTop tips for shifting to an enterprise analytics strategy.
White Paper Enforcing Tax Compliance in a Turbulent WorldIIA spoke with SAS experts to explore innovative ways to use data and analytics to improve operational efficiency, taxpayer engagement, and smart decisions throughout the revenue and compliance process.
Article Intelligent policing: Data visualization helps crack down on crimeLearn how data visualization can give police real-time views of locations enriched with other data to help them make intelligent, fact-based decisions.
CUSTOMER STORY Customer Story Advanced analytics helps policymakers determine how new tax measures would affect citizensAscertaining the ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ of potential tax changes before regulations are implemented.
CUSTOMER STORY Automated safety reporting protects hospital patients in NorwayHelse Nord uses SAS to automate its hospitals’ processes and halves their workload.
Article Public health infrastructure desperately needs modernizationPublic health agencies must flex to longitudinal health crises and acute emergencies – from natural disasters like hurricanes to events like a pandemic. To be prepared, public health infrastructure must be modernized to support connectivity, real-time data exchanges, analytics and visualization.
CUSTOMER STORY Making connections through high-quality data to enhance public safetyThe West Virginia Fusion Center uses SAS Law Enforcement Intelligence on Microsoft Azure to manage data, share information and help agencies solve and prevent crimes.
Article Know your blind spots in tax fraud preventionTax agencies sometimes miss fraud that's happening right under their noses – despite robust external fraud prevention efforts. Find out where traditional tax fraud prevention and detection efforts fall short, and how analytics can change that.
CUSTOMER STORY Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experienceItaly’s largest service distribution network relies on predictive analytics from SAS to detect fraud with greater precision and reduce losses.
E-BOOK Innovate, protect and serveSee how governments are using analytics to solve public safety issues.