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On-Demand Webinar

Managing Skills Relevancy: Best Practices and Key Strategies

Join experts as they discuss the skills gap, challenges and solutions to staying competitive in a digital economy.

About the webinar

A technological boom in analytics, smart machines and biological systems is disrupting our relevancy to workforce demands across industries.

Combine the sheer pace of technology advancement with a growing talent gap and we’re at a critical time dependent on lifelong skills development.

According to Deloitte, workforce learning is the biggest challenge organizations face right now.

The advantage of well-developed skills isn’t just a matter of employee performance. As organizations invest in upgrading technology, employees need to know how to use it or lose ROI.

What can you do? Shift our mindsets to expand beyond focusing solely on skills development to accessing holistic workforce relevancy.

Join this live webinar with Meghan M. Biro, CEO of TalentCulture, and Sean O’Brien, Senior Vice President of Education at SAS, for a lively discussion on current and future workforce trends.

You'll learn:

  • Key skills that matter for today and tomorrow’s workforce.
  • How to analyze skills gaps and map a strategy to fill them.
  • How to provide lifelong development and learning opportunities.
  • How to best connect talent with the most effective learning platforms.
  • How skills development boosts engagement and retention.
  • Best practices for educating your workforce.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Meghan M. Biro
Founder and CEO, TalentCulture

Like most people who gravitate toward HR, Meghan Biro loves people. Early in her career, Biro realized she was a rare people person who understood tech. As a high tech recruiter, she worked with hundreds of companies, from early stage startups to global brands like Microsoft, IBM and Google.

Biro founded TalentCulture in 2008 to lead a conversation about the future of work with her peers in HR and leadership. These days, she is consistently included in lists of top online influencers and writes about HR tech and talent management at, and a variety of other media outlets. Her career background spans recruiting, tech, marketing, branding and digital media. As an HR tech analyst, author and brand strategist, Biro is sought after for her ideas about the future of work, is a regularly featured speaker at global business conferences, and serves on boards for leading HR and technology brands.

Speaker 2

Sean O’Brien
Senior Vice President of Education, SAS

In his more than 20 years in SAS Education, Sean O’Brien has worked with academic institutions and commercial businesses to equip people with the analytics skills needed to be successful in today’s and tomorrow’s workforce. He has been instrumental in creating degree and certificate programs with universities, custom talent development plans for businesses and certifications that have become industry standards. His global team of more than 350 employees delivers educational opportunities in the latest technologies, in flexible ways to fit the learning and working styles of today.