SAS Credit Scoring
A faster, cheaper, more flexible solution than any outsourcing alternative.
Die Steuerung des Kreditrisikos ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben von Banken. Fehlentscheidungen können zu hohen Ausfallquoten und Verlusten führen. SAS Credit Scoring for Banking ist die Universallösung für das Kredit-Scoring. Banken können Score-Karten damit schneller, billiger und flexibler im eigenen Haus entwickeln, validieren, verteilen und kontrollieren, als dies bei externem Bezug möglich wäre. Banken können durch Bewertung der Kreditanträge und des Kundenverhaltens das Risiko ihres Kreditportfolios einschätzen, kontrollieren und ihre Akquisestrategie verfeinern. Die Lösung sammelt und analysiert Daten aus dem ganzen Unternehmen und leitet daraus Prognosen ab. So erfahren Kreditinstitute, wie stark welche Merkmale in Verbindung mit welchen weiteren Faktoren das Verzugs- und Ausfallrisiko erhöhen.
Make well-informed credit decisions.
Reduce credit losses and boost your overall business performance by making better, data-driven credit decisions on both the origination and servicing sides of your business. SAS Credit Scoring enables you to perform application and behavior scoring for virtually all lending products – including commercial loans, cards, installment loans and mortgages.
Adopt a sustainable, auditable model development environment.
A user-friendly, graphical interface boosts productivity and efficiency, enabling you to easily create data sets, derive variables and manage judgmental scorecards. You can work collaboratively, sharing variables, filters and other parameters to maintain corporate IP and reduce your governance risk. In addition, you have the flexibility to reuse existing SAS code.
Easily manage and access your data.
Access, transform, standardize and cleanse all relevant data to create a 360-degree view of the customer. A banking-specific data model lets you build a robust, easy-to-access data mart that ensures consistency, powered by integrated data extraction, householding and deduplication, mapping and loading capabilities.
Quickly develop scorecards in-house.
Develop, validate and implement unlimited application and behavioral scorecards in-house with our end-to-end, integrated solution. You'll get models and scorecards into production faster while reducing your model risk. The solution also includes champion/challenger capabilities, which enable low-risk experimentation, leading to better-performing models.