On-Demand Webinar

Wake-Up Call: Modernizing Public Health Practices

Now is the time to recognize trends and changes in public health and face down challenges by adapting and modernizing

About the webinar

For obvious reasons, this year has been unlike any other for public health.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed glaring holes in the performance of public health surveillance and response across the globe.

The sheer volume of cases and an inability to adapt to changing situations led to less effective management of the crisis.

Join us for this webinar, where we’ll discuss how obtaining analytical insight into trends and forecasts can help agencies prepare for and respond to future public health crises.

We can and must take action to transform and prepare ourselves. 

Learn why:

  • The current US surveillance system is not proficient at detecting or managing future pandemics.
  • Modernization will improve both workforce competency and systems.
  • The constructs of modernization will lead to gains in all areas of public health and health-related research.

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About the Experts

Sarah Newton, MPH (moderator)
US Public Sector Health Policy Team Manager, SAS

Dr. Meghan Schaeffer, EdD, MPH, MPA
National Public Health Advisor, Epidemiologist, SAS