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On-Demand Webinar

Make Better Decisions With Analytically Driven Marketing

Learn how the analytical scoring of attribution models can help you optimize marketing operations and outcomes.

About the webinar

Are your paid media goals on track? Are you able to quickly update your strategy to reflect changing consumer behaviors? Are you making the best marketing decisions?

By analytically scoring your attribution models, you can ensure the best possible marketing outcomes.

It gives you the ability to optimize marketing operations end to end – from strategic planning and budgeting, to resource and marketing content management, to global marketing execution.

We will discuss:

  • Tactics to optimize budgetary allocation and spending decisions.
  • Approaches to streamlining marketing operations from top to bottom.
  • Ways to improve organizational understanding of your marketing ROI.
  • Methods to automate and accelerate marketing workflows across your brand.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Suneel Grover
Advisory Solutions Architect, Marketing AI and Decision Science, SAS

Speaker 2

Brian Alfond
Senior Solutions Architect, CX Transformation, SAS