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Live Webinar

The Evolving Labor Market: Higher Education to Career and Beyond

This webinar explores the evolving labor market and skills needed from higher ed to professional to remain competitive, establish partnerships and close skills gaps.

Jan. 28 • 11 a.m. ET • Cost: Complimentary

About the webinar

Today, career readiness, skills relevancy and professional success is dependent on proficiencies built around lifelong learning and an adeptness to evolve with workforce demands.

Join a diverse panel of experts representing higher education and industry.

During this one-hour webinar, they’ll candidly expound upon the importance of relevant curricula, talent connections and skills development across all career phases to remain competitive in a digital economy and close analytics skills gaps.

During this webinar, you'll:

  • Learn about the rapidly changing workforce structure.
  • Hear benefits of recruiting early career talent, in addition to providing meaningful training and development pathways, to strengthen overall talent strategy.
  • Explore identifying analytics skills gaps and the value of upskilling and reskilling existing employees.
  • Discover how academic institutions have strengthened post-graduation success.
  • Learn about Handshake and how it can benefit hiring organizations and academics institutions.

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About the presenters

Speaker 1

Jeff Selingo
New York Times best-selling author, Washington Post columnist, higher education strategist

Jeff Selingo has written about higher education for more than two decades and is a New York Times best-selling author of three books. His latest book, Who Gets In & Why: A Year Inside College Admissions, was published in September 2020 and was named an Editors’ Choice by the New York Times Book Review. A regular contributor to The Atlantic, Selingo is a special adviser for innovation and professor of practice at Arizona State University. He also co-hosts the podcast, Future U.

Speaker 2

Christine Yip Cruzvergara
Vice President of Higher Education and Student Success, Handshake

Christine Cruzvergara leads efforts to deepen partnerships with the higher education community to ensure greater and more equitable student career success. She is recognized as a change agent within the field of career education and is often referenced in national media, has diligently contributed thought pieces, led trainings, and consulted extensively with colleagues across the nation and internationally.

Speaker 2

Myra Gonzalez
Director of MS Analytics Program, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University

With more than 20 years of experience in higher education, Myra Gonzalez has guided and mentored many students and colleagues toward accomplishing both their educational and professional goals. She has a passion for lifelong learning and understands that higher education can be one pathway toward improving oneself and the communities that we live in.

Speaker 2

Cre'Shannon Reuven
Operations Analytics Manager, Southern Company

Cre'Shannon Reuven has expansive experience working in the health care and utility industries. Her professional background includes management, project management, analytical skills, quantitative reasoning, software development, system integration and business analysis. Reuven is data-driven and has demonstrated the ability to create effective and efficient processes. With bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics and a master’s degree in operations research, she has the academic foundation necessary to help solve innovation challenges in the new decade.