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On-Demand Webinar

Empathy and Understanding: Driving Loyalty Through Data and Analytics  

Learn how to go beyond loyalty programs and instead create personalized interactions throughout every step of the customer journey.

About the webinar

“Putting the customer first” isn’t exactly a new concept. But it’s never been more important than it is now.  

According to Experience 2030, brands that succeed in the coming decade must put aside their preferences and biases and deliver the services, features and technologies that customers seek.

Brands must be agile and adaptive to ever-evolving consumer needs, faster than ever before.

The only way to do this is to adopt a data and analytics strategy that personalizes the customer journey with understanding and empathy.

Join us for this webinar as we discuss:

  • How loyalty strategies must dovetail with customer experience initiatives.
  • Types of data that foster customer understanding, intimacy and empathy.
  • How to apply analytics in support of becoming a loyalty company.

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About the Experts

Speaker 2

Lisa Loftis
Principal Management Consultant for Customer Intelligence, SAS

Speaker 2

Brian Jakubowski
Managing Director, Comms & Media Industry North America, Accenture Applied Intelligence