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On-Demand Webinar

Building and Maintaining Data Science Talent

Future-proof your data science organization, from academic programs to training and retaining your best employees through the career life cycle.

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About the webinar

As the need for data scientists grows, organizations must adapt to the rapidly evolving labor market to compete for talent.

Join experts from SAS and Lightcast, a global leader in labor market analytics, to learn about the growing demand for data science skills.

We’ll discuss solutions to the skills shortage, including how to train aspiring data scientists through academic and talent development programs, the importance of connecting with academic institutions to build a talent pipeline, and how organizations can retain employees.

Whether you're an employer seeking an advantage in the search for talent or an educator looking to prepare students for the workforce, this webinar will deliver insights from experts in the field.

You'll learn how to:

  • Identify relevant skills in a dynamic labor market.
  • Build talent connections between universities and employers.
  • Retain in-demand talent through formal employer programs that can increase engagement, boost productivity and improve employee retention.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Liz Moran
Director, Global Academic Programs and Certification

Speaker 2

John Barnshaw
Vice President, Education Success

Speaker 2

James Blum
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Speaker 2

James Waite
Manager, Education Adoption Consulting