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On-Demand Webinar

Breaking Away From the Pack With the Artificial Intelligence of Things

Industry experts share their insights on a new global study that explores the business impact of combining AI and IoT.

In partnership with:  

Deloitte Logo
Intel logo

About the webinar

The impact of artificial intelligence combined with the Internet of Things – AIoT – may be even greater, and taking hold more quickly, than you might expect.

Our recent worldwide survey of 450 business leaders across industries found real momentum behind the AIoT, along with other surprising insights.

In this webinar, our research and AI experts examine key findings from this landmark survey in more detail.

If you’re weighing the potential impact of the AIoT or seeking ways to realize the full potential of the IoT, don’t miss this webinar.

What you'll learn:

  • Why the true value of IoT data is only realized when combined with analytics and AI.
  • Who says the combined value of AI and IoT capabilities exceeds their expectations.
  • How using AI and IoT together creates a competitive advantage over organizations using only IoT.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Andy Daecher
Leader of Deloitte Consulting LLP’s US IoT Practice

Speaker 2

Chetan Gadgil
Global Director, IoT Solutions, Intel Corp.

Speaker 2

Jason Mann (moderator )
Vice President, Internet of Things, SAS